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Saturday 21 December 2013

Hawwi Yeh Saarrdi :)

December -the coldest season of year ..the month of happiness month of excitement & it Arrives the month of many expectation and the ravishingly ending to this year end ..which that vl be the end of this mixed excitin year of mine..many experience to share and from red's to blue's   friendship to relationships up to break up everythin..the years last month is been my fav. month the eve of Xmass and the new year greetin  wishes and new new feelin of restorin of life again and snow fall the winter ,blankets cold N cough ,room heater The morning Fog the below temp. zero degree.. ohoo i love this winter yeh sardi mein baat he kuch aur hai.. and the journey of new resoultion and new routin again arrives.. what a season..:) 
month of festivals and parties ;)

my little cousin sis books captured snap
Some news to share ;) 
 frizzing nite guys heating out street workers

supreme court has ordered Indian states to provide adequate night ...
enjoy winter feel the heat !! and All my mates happy winter nite..and .have a frizzin nite ;):P:))

Well, life is been pretty blissful desdays thanks to that Alimghty who had all plans set up to illuminate my life with full of happiness dunno but for a while it seems lyk this..
i love this moment so this made me to come back here and share with u my precious feeling on goin rite now my mind ;)

Hawi yeh sardi enjoy the cool coolness and be happy enjoy thanda with some Garam Garam sumthing warm .may be a Coffee ;)
Wishing Everyone A Merry Christmas and A HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014
J hey 2014  plz be Awesome \m/

PS: not making any resolution becz u know why becz I never follow it ...
google 2014 pix Happy new year all.
 anyways :D
Enjoy guys kal ka kya rakha hai Aaj jiyo be blessed and rock Great (Y).


Monday 2 December 2013

Growing Up in my city :)

Having lived all my life in   Bhubaneswar, memories with didi and friends  we have in a way shared our formative years together. From the decrepit and dusty look with just a few stores open to a complete makeover with huge billboards and glossier banners and the flyover with a thriving nightlife, I have seen it all.

As a kid I remember those walk downs to bake shop, for the extra cheese pizza and the end of the term treat of hot chocolate fudge for having scored an A-grade in my exams. And of the faux Santa, going all during new year times haha hehe, outside the ‘Modern  Bazaar’  market building ,departmental store, doling out small lil gifts to kids who passed by the shop. Market building or Unit 1 Haat was one of the first of its kinds in Bhubaneswar, and was known for its imported products, like the nice vegetarian food down the streets foods Dhai Bara's to  rasogola’s and well let me tell u there was many few restaurants in cities but my own fav. Priya Restaurant Masala Dosa south Indian foods,
One of the best Restaurants in Bhubaneswar”. Review of Priya Restaurant

 Make me  grilled , exotic herbs, olive oils, chocolates (other than the usual Nestle and Cadbury), Hershey’s Chocolate syrup etc. all unheard of at that point in time. For me the first time I ever saw the Chocolate syrup add was at the back of an old battered copy of an Archie’s comic brought from one of the second hand book stores in the precincts of the S complex, which ever also the source of my weekly supply of Enid Blytons and Nancy Drews, with yellowing pages and dog ears, with names of previous owners scribbled on them, rubbing shoulders with Mills and Boons, The Inscrutable Americans and what not. Priced at just a measly thirty five bucks they definitely came in cheaper than the first hand ones, with their cellophane film still intact on them, from ‘Fact and Fiction’, the only pragyan bookstore back then at center. It still is a surprise at how much those Bookstore owners (i.e. second hand books) know and the ease with which they pronounce the names of even Indian authors.

My childhood is fraught with memories of late night movie shows at kesari talkies and then  of coming all disheveled and bleary eyed and leaving all bright eyed and sometimes puffy, after sheding copious amounts of tears for the estranged lovers or the cancer afflicted hero, scrutinizing the movie to the minutest detail. Those were the days of the hand painted posters, of the lead actors canoodling and the villain smirking, with the sidekick running with a gun, all in gaudy fluorescent paints, before making way for the printed ones.
sometimes the drive back to the master canteen station with Rapunzel, with the music on high, karoaking to the songs, through the pot holed roads, .. its been beautiful... loosing myself to the deluge and the greenery, watching wet birds take flight, a scared wet mongrel run for cover... Could life get anymore idyllic feels great in evening time ...
courtesy pix- Bhubaneswar Diary.
As I entered my teenage years so did kesari, it now had Inox theater  in bhubaneswar, TGIF, Barista  big malls etc and later on came in the lounges and discs for the nouveau riche Indian middle class and their prodigal progeny. In the days of yore, it had the most eclectic of crowds thronging it, but as time passed like any reckless teenager, kesari has its darker stories to tell. Stories of call girl racketeering in one of those dodgy gullies leading into the complex, of gigolos looming and haggling with potential customers, of drunken brawls having gone awry and of drug peddling. Kesari also happens to be one of the favourite haunts for courtship, although I’ve also seen couples parting ways and the usual BPO crowd, the suave executives and gold chain jangling  businessman.
courtesy- Google 

So all in all, movies theater  like every other place in Bhubaneswar  is a microcosm of sorts, effervescent and dazzling with life and light, and the ‘relieving’ cow and scampering dog with street urchins providing the necessary comic relief. but this city is changed its lot look a like kolkata these days with many hotels ,malls ,cafe's ,CCD's ,Restaurant's food courts, ice cream parlous i guess everything u can find .   all this making this city look wonderful to watch in night time..and of course 
we all know its the city of temples :)
 Famous Ram Mandir ! courtesy - Snata Nayak pix 

Ps: this was the piece that was to come out in the Outlook city limits, in this week’s issue... but could not see the light of the day  :) cyaa..!

Sunday 20 October 2013

Phailin EFFECT !! :(

courtesy- cousin bro snaps 

#PHAILIN #cyclone -just satured my Durga puja plans finally end up with HAPPY "PHAILIN" PUJA :(
This past weekend I found myself doing the one thing no one wants to do the most horrible experiences just like a horror story what a torture :)

image -shared by my cousin bro .evening time
But what terrified me more than how much it  was the sheer terrifying fact that I was going to be without No Internet no water no network no charge  until monday and can't go outside too. That meant I would have 4 days power cut with continous Raining and left with no power in my home, 4 days of not being plugged into my job 24/7, 4 days of not tweeting, messaging or Googling. How was I going to do it?  . Would we have to get water from a well and kill a goat on Avenue C for dinner? Without internet, does life revert back to the colonial era?

So yeah, I’m addicted to the internet. Shocker. It’s where I live, work, enjoy movies and oftentimes celebrate online birthday with my friends . To ensure that I don’t get completely lost in it though, I refuse to own my Smartphone. Due to the less charge unable to on my phone so Instead of that i used my mama phone which  It has no internet capabilities too ,Sometimes it doesn’t even turn on but what it does do is give me a much-needed respite from the Internet what a situation :(

Even though I’ve exemplified some self-control with the world wide web, this 4 day abstinence was going to put me to the test. Luckily, the first day I spent without it actually ended up being pretty okay as it was raining heavily with the night goes viral and mad those winds of over 180km/hr cyclonic storms I awake up to 3am nite and watching those horrifying situation those storming winds fucking us Omgg The dark knight just gone more worsen with those storming winds and my garden is out of slot tress are just falling out one by one after being hacked.
 It took practically the whole day for my to recover and I to get our stuff moved in so by the time I could even think about logging online, I passed out.

I dreaded the second day though with no water supply no network no charge no current 

what a term- odious situation.
 There would be no distractions this time. It would just be me, myself, and I. When I woke up, I just laid in bed while looking longingly at my computer screen. After sulking for about ten minutes, I finally started to read the new Chelsea Handler book I had been meaning to finish. When I was done with that though, I became very disoriented and began to eat half a box of Wheat Thins in a post-post-modern fugue. When you don’t have the Internet, your body becomes fatigued for no reason (perhaps a symptom of withdrawl) and you just begin to eat. A lot. I spent the day alternating between my bed and my couch. I consumed an obscene amount of food and read two books. Shockingly, it was still only 6:00 p.m and it was dark That’s when I became desperate and decided to just get super high as a way to pass the time. Fact: If you’re stoned, you won’t care if there is no Internet.  The Internet not existing is really NBD. After spending my evening hours stoned out of my mind, I went to bed and slept for eleven hours. If you’re not keeping track, here are the stats:

Day Two Without Internet
Calories consumed: 5,000
Books read: 2
Number of drugs taken: 1
Feeling free from the shackles of the Internet: Priceless

next morning after the effect my house boundry garden scenario
next morning after the effect road gets jammed and filled with all drainage water and no way to go out :(

On Sunday, I woke up feeling super refreshed. I was actually relieved to be away from the Internet and dreaded meeting my friend later for a meeting because it meant that I would have to go online. It felt like I was going back to my drug dealer when all I wanted to do was stay clean! It had been two days. Why break my sobriety now? Unfortunately, my sense of duty prevailed over my newfound Luddite tendencies so I went to my friends’ house in his apartment and sat there to charge my phone on to do some work stuff .

happy Phailin puja snap taken shared by my cousion bro near by my home :)

Oh. My. God.

F.Y.I.: If you take a two day break from the Internet when your job revolves around the Internet, you will have an insane amount of e-mails waiting for you. I had accumulated 60 in just 48 hours. What? Who were these people and what did they want from me?! LEAVE ME ALONE DAMMIT! When I looked at my Gmail, panic rushed over me and I closed my computer. After I took some deep breaths and visualized someone feeding me an Ativan, I mustered up the courage to face the digital music.

I spent the next few hours in a perpetual state of anxiety. Why did the Internet had want so much from me? It was pissed I had went away and now it was exacting revenge by flooding my inbox with urgent messages. Even though I had only been away for a short while, I got the feeling that I had temporarily forgotten how to “do” the Internet. Does anyone else get that feeling after they’ve spent some time away? It’s a place that requires you to be plugged in all of the time. It’s all or nothing. You’re either giving it handjobs every day by Foursquaring, tweeting and using Facebook or you’re completely out of the game. After that Sunday morning, I had never wanted so badly to be out of the game and removed from the vortex. It had never felt so stressful and pointless as it did that day. After cutting my meeting short, I hightailed it back to my duplex to finish the Sarah Silverman book  .

Today I’ve joined the masses again to share our thoughts and to be with friends and sharing and commenting on their issues . I’ve figured out how to play the Internet game again and going home at the end of the day even makes me feel a little sad. It’s disturbing, right? But the act of connecting and disconnecting from technology is exhausting. At the end of the day, you know you have to come crawling back into the Internet’s arms because that’s where everyone else is. The rest of the world has adapted to it so you have no choice but to follow suit.

That being said, this weekend taught me that taking a break is important. We dedicate so much of our time to this “thing” that we need to sometimes back away and realize that there is real life happening. You don’t want to miss it while checking your #FB. :)

Do help the victims its a request all..
courtesy image  shared from (surdrashan) sir file.


PS: Do share u'r thoughts how u felt about PHAILIN EFEECTS ..!sign off now vl catch u all soon with new experiences ..:)

Monday 2 September 2013

Who Am I ?

Hello Hi  Namaste!!  Guys . Its September now  the month of  Happiness , The return of All festive seasons and mostly I personally like this month because it has got many memories of mine .This month is so special for  me As  many of mine best friends birthday's falls on this month .:)

Okies Time to share the maze of thoughts yet again ..So where do I start Oh yes
I just got back to friend place . after ten amazing days . Celebrating the Happy days . there was a blast and I actually enjoyed the cold weather.

I also visited to a talk show   a sold out goals-setting workshop and spoke at an incredible event about intuition. At both about the experience of life so far , I asked the audience the question, “Who am I?” I like asking this because most people don’t know how to answer this question accurately. Today I am sharing with you All what I shared with the awesome Audiences  I met about how to accurately answer the question, “Who am I?” in a way that will give you incredible insight into your TRUE self. We all get asked the question, “What do you do?” frequently. And most of us have an automatic response. Personally, this question is not interesting to me. I’d much rather know who someone is rather than what they do.

You are not what you do. You are not who you are with. You are not the roles you play in life. You are not your family, religion or race. You are not your age. You are not your gender. You are not your resume of jobs, interests and experiences. So who are you??

So, who are you? Go ahead and answer the question in your mind. Take a moment to either think through it, or better yet, write down your answer before reading on. If you are like 99% of the people I speak to, you most likely answered by listing the roles you play in life, or even the labels you’ve acquired to identify yourself based on where you are from or what you’ve been through. For example: I am an actor, a lawyer, a wife, a son, a student, a procrastinator, an addict, a teacher, a role model, have ADD a graduate from xyz school, a 24- year-old, a Indian, Hindu, Christian, Latin, a cancer survivor, and so on and so on. The list is endless in terms of how we identify ourselves. " But roles we play, things we do, cultures we come from, or labels we put on ourselves are NOT accurate answers to the question of who I am" .  

So who are you? Here’s how I expressed  people how to accurately answer this question which I got my way of saying .:)
Think about something you absolutely #LOVE doing. When you do this thing time stops. You are totally present, engaged and enjoying yourself. Now here is the KEY: what is important is not the activity, but rather what qualities come out of you while you are doing it. Take another moment to consider this and write down your answers. List all the ways of being that you experience when you are engaged in something you love. I LOVE facilitating and coaching people and when I’m doing it, I am compassionate, inspired, creative, committed, generous, connected, sensitive, authentic, playful, thoughtful, giving, present, inquisitive, wise, nurturing, feminine and loving. THAT is who I am. I am not a coach and speaker; those are just the FORMS my essence takes. I also LOVE being with my cousin bro and close friend and the exact same qualities come forward whenever I am with him, so please don’t think that you have to pick something that is tied to a job to do this exercise.

We get way to obsessed with form and want to know what we are supposed to DO as our life’s purpose. Your purpose is not something you can do, it is only something you can BE. And when you know who you truly are and bring forward those qualities that are your true essence more and more in EVERYTHING you do, the more you will attract the forms that are most aligned with who you really are.
 Stop trying to be someone you think you should be, or someone you think other people think you should be, or someone you think other people want you to be (did you get all that?!?!). And please stop identifying yourself by the things you do or roles you play in life. 

Ps: Your essence is FAR more interesting and attractive!!  your Amazing and much more exciting than anyone else so don't pretend to be someone than to yourself . lastly U'r not a doormat to someone .
Much love @ Sj . signin out now cyiaoo :)

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Life is kooky.. life is kinky

life is strange.. life is a big joke...
Made it through dunnhumby written, only to be eliminated hook line sinker from the case study... i sucked big time... absolutely clueless, with the talk around me.. i was pathetic...and surprisingly i was pretty confident today, unlike my usual nerve wreck self... I was ready to talk  but not to take shit... and shit happened big time... ..if it makes your life easier to deal with, I'll play the bad guy because I don't really care anymore.

As the scene unfolded, I realized how stupid i was, was it'd really take time for me become this aggressive, take initiative to talk, the world will not stop for me, to take me in, to hear my voice.. I have to fight for myself... And I found the big fakers, the pretenders... people who act so cool about everything and talks freely sweetly and behind your back  they are so bloody fakers ..."yaar tum bahut ache woh hoo yeh hoo  ".do call me in mean time aao ghar mein usko thoda padha doo  woh karo yeh karo.."..I mean baby why the pretense My back is not my voice mail talk in-front of me  - for them this lines -

Wow, your life must be pretty boring if all you can talk about is mine. and  I feel special. Instead of calling everyone else a two faced bitch, do me a favor and look in the mirror and you will see the biggest two faced bitch i know!! well this is for now..!

and for my junior's people  who asked me and are  confused to what to wear in placements well for them this lines :)
Wear what you are on your sleeve... and be proud of it...
 And don't feel like this " I look so outta place in my kurta when the placements are on" well... People in trousers, corpo skirts, coats et al... And I look like a khadi wearing hag.. I guess i've been this way a lil too long, to get the kurta outta me... c'om be free to express and wear something productive which comfort and match u're personality .

ps: "Life is kooky.. life is kinky... and kicks the shit outta you, I realized...."  :)

Wednesday 10 July 2013

My unSaid wish ...

  An unsaid wish – I wanna go back to the time when "getting high" meant "on a swing". When "drinking" meant "mango juice". When "Dad" was the only "hero", when "love" was "mom's hug". When "Dad’s shoulder" was "the highest place on earth". When you’re "worst enemies were your siblings". When the only thing that could "hurt" were "bruised knees", when the only things "broken" were your "toys" and when "good byes" only meant "till tomorrow"

Things Changed .. isn't so as life as we grow up we just realized life is not a milk and roses everything has its worth . Very thankful to this technology as its played a rampant change in my life . technology is been super class, Just going through gadgets  * fainted*. Now a days the only way to survive this world is not just the Air but also Technology includes .Been the part of this 21st century   i would like to through my thoughts on this tech world..being over bloomed Yoo Yoo Here we Goo :)

.In today’s information age thanks to the rampant development in technology, we are seeing unprecedented changes in our everyday life. Whether its career choices, the academic courses we pursue, how we connect with friends and family or even how we search for potential partners. Today most of us have the freedom to choose from the smallest things like the food we want to eat to the person we want to spend our lives with. This growing freedom of choice coupled with the free flow of information via internet, media and social networks, drive individuals to excel and achieve success at an accelerated pace. With the growing number of expectations to fulfill, aspirations to accomplish, and the need to prove one-self, our world predominately centers our needs, and our desires.

Ps:Thanks to the ever advancing technology, the number of Long Distance relationships with family and with gf''s have increased manifold. Facebook, Twitter, E-Mails and other social sites connect people across borders and oceans. It is so easy to fall in love with someone who is miles apart ;) ;)

Monday 17 June 2013

Blurry images of my life..

Flights, although not the most comfortable means to travel has a different feel to it.. Staring into the blue abyss, into an almost surreal world, the desire to free fall, the meandering thoughts, the wish to run amok into the white, the changing topographies, the strange comfort of the unfamiliarity, life for those two hours is idyllic, peaceful...

And at nights the all pervading dark although is a lil depressing, the beauty of looking at the city below is beyond words, as if the stars have come down for you, and you are going to a world far off, away from the dreariness, away from things that have held you back... it definitely gets the poet out of me...

Mumbai was a welcome break and had a good end to it... the beach making me miss company of a certain somebody... sigh, but Mumbai’s behind me and i am back to the mundane and the run around... but somewhere down even the mundane is peaceful...

Why do we call other people lucky? Why do we wish to be in their place in their moment of happiness and wish the contrary when a tragedy befalls them? I've learnt my lesson of never wanting to switch chairs or calling them lucky...

The end has begun... The freshers this time made for memories of a different kind... Sigh, college is coming to an end, you realise.. As my friends say, 23 is not the age you really want to be in... well, sorry I couldn't get the dreary tone out of this post. We live a disillusioned existence, we run after things we think will give us happiness only to realise how fate can screw things so badly... there's bitter after taste even after a job...

"the catches of life are like salt on raw wound..."