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Wednesday 26 October 2011

last few weeks of my life.- and . diwali arrives..

It's been a while since I wrote something and actually found it worth posting, was suffering from what they call the writers block.
Well Life's been pretty normal...desdays.. I'm cutting down on my belligerent self.. or probably I've calmed down.

Sometimes I just find myself at odds with the promises I make for myself because try as i might I can't be the perfectionist I want to be. I find it really difficult accepting people for their flaws like i was the epitome of everything perfect. *sigh*  last 1week i have been practicing for "santosh memorial tournament" and these to be played  in our university itself ,finally i'm representing my cse branch although got selected in squad i have to  play really well to make my place count in team.. yaa its been little bit tiring past 1week but i love working out...with my team mates..

thanks to my skipper who is really supportive and desperate to win these time..hopefully my strong six sense says we vl win..surely thy way we are neats.

soo lets comes to point... its Diwali the festivals of lights finally arrived..well  i wake up  very early today morning , and it was  a beautiful morning, its  Diwali today but  Mom and Dad have left to didi 's place as she is alone in her house  :(... And I in no time will go back to the usual, regression and hey.. economic depression rides high in my life. Mom's started keeping tabs on the amount she lends me out or probably I've become an expensive kid. now a days.. 

So i'm thinking to goo for de movie of srk and kareena  last few week. the excitments begins about these movie beczz the way they promted and had done publicity its eye catchin..luks lyk a . Amazing movie,and gona have a  roking chill out experience in the evening..tonite .. a must watch. movie.. Finally I find kareena kapoor  cute and seems to have lost out a lil on her charm..luks...hmmmm...  Nothing much to report
.. over and out..
ps:" well mates.Life is kooky.. life is kinky... and kicks the shit outta you, I realised..accepts the challenge.and defeat the odd ,time to bounce back and become champions in this competitive world..cheers..."  :) 
Enjoy the festival of Diwali with lots of fun. and have safe.. and Light diyas in the true spirit of Diwali,guys.. rather than opting for electric illumination which will only use up electricity.. sooo have a safe and a eco- friendly Diwali to my friends...cheerrs.^_^.-:) -:)

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