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Tuesday 4 October 2011

watching a movie in a mid- nite.

Right now there is nothing more to say about nothing more to speak about my inner feeling & sentiments which I heal all time..:)
but one thing I want to share while watching a movie in a mid night is a real experience  to share..
In life we go through many experiences as there is saying “Every day starts with a new expectation and
Ends with new experiences, yaa it’s a new exeperinces.
 Will lets come to the point  just now watched a movie call  “UDAAN”  it’s a hindi movie 

Really  I’m speechless  facts is  I’m in a such mood that I can’t express exactly my feeling..what I can say about this..after watching such a beautiful  movie “what a theme ..what  a concept such emotions such sentiments about a boy.. rating i will give 4/5 "***** " for a meaningful movie..
Talking about this movie, really send a message at the end  anyway’s but ..some peoples after watching may think it’s a boring movie but frankly speaking I didn’t felt any bore because there was soo much in it..soo real  things and it’s a movie of teenager boy … 

Some of the parts of that movie  matches about my life.. some instincts are  very resemblance to my life too…the character “rohan” who is a writer and love to write.. it really speak apparently about me there are some  similarities as  i love my friends, i love to write … I love to alone, and I love nature..
Secondly in that movie it shows the relationship of a father and son..very truly.. in my view A father should be sweet and loving  as my father is and I had learned many things from him and I love him..truely because he is my father..and we know one father can only teach the basic ideology about the life..which I had learned from him how to behave as human being and to be sweet and humble.
And yes..Much against our will, at several instances in life, one has to helplessly bow down to some entity – be it your teacher, boss, kin or anyone else.
Lastly Udaan narrates a tale where a son is almost on an extended detention under his disciplinarian father's domain. Through this allegory, Udaan inspires me  one to break away from all bindings of life and fly freely.
That way there is  a saying”..Believe on yourself one day you will fly high and high like a bird  “.!!

Ps: seriously it ‘s a best movie and a new experiences..and I fill we all have inborn writership in us which is inbuilt with in always write somethings..guys. share something writing is really makes happy. it helps in healing out yours emotions speak out the truth in  you..!   
okies..Bahut zyaada philosophy ho gayi!! cyaa.. next time with new feeling & new something in me..!

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