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Monday 10 October 2011

facebook Relationship *status * :).!!

thrown by soumya,
okies,..before writing about this so called relationship status, i need to give an  opinion of about  this person .."
“Not only are you proudly announcing that you are with somebody, but you are gambling that this one will last longer than a month or two. The evolution of the relationship is changing, and it's facebook's fault. Now, the path consists of 1) you go on a date, 2) you go on dates regularly, 3) you are only dating each other, 4) boyfriend/girlfriend, 5) Facebook official” - Ana Fernatt, Chicago Now opinion writer...
"Single? In a Relationship? Engaged/Married? These options just don't cut it...Forget 'It's Complicated'...we're fricking complicated! Relationships in general are 'complicated'! Need we post the obvious for all the world to see?” - from the Facebook Group 'Facebook Relationship Status Options are Insufficient'
well, if you've been reading my older posts you'd be knowing I'm finally trying my hand at some socialising. And thankfully unlike my first 'catch up' ( as in ketchup)*hehe*...:P
my second thankfully turned out to be better, yaa i finally discovered that I'd indeed been blessed with a tongue, and therefore finally i made use of it without making a fool of myself. I know good for me, after all those embarresing fiascos when i literally found my foot in my mouth (thankfully)... this was definetly a breather. So where was i?? Yaa...catching up... it was really nice to see that my friends had metamorphasized into pretty young things and even better to know that some of them could now put the relationship status on their Facebook profile as 'its complicated' ...i simply am in love with that option... and some even 'in a relationship'... so the conversations mostly centered around the 'existant', 'in the making' and the 'non existant' love lives of our batchmates... and then the usual exclamations followed "I don't believe it!! She out of all the people has a bf" "what?? she broke up..wasnt she dead serious about her bf" ... "her bf's cute..."..etc etc... and then "you know I have been seeing this guy for some time now..", "my crushes are the biggest dip shits...they are not worth it"..."my story's ending before it started..." ha ha :). what to say more .. sometimes lifes feels happy happy..full of harmony and some times full of thinking about this so call damn love..crush attraction oohoo...c'om... there are much more things to do in life than to just mess with this mess.. 

 Relationships are tricky things. So are relationship statuses. About 60% of Facebook users have some kind of relationship status declared. It seems that the online world has given rise to new types of relationship-defining ideas. Why is being Facebook official important to some people and not important to others?it's not me telling guys soo chill.. i read this statement and said by Ana fernatt  while surfing internet about this issue..
but really this facebook reationship status makes me..laugh when i see this it cheers me up.and my reaction is bit like this..."Aaree kal  he tho dekha tha uska status woh single tha  aur aaj committed wah kya baat hai" after some day i see "engaged "..after few weeks  complicated  then the most funniest part comes..again back to single.. he he  .:) anyways..moral is such little things in life makes us feel happy isn' seeing other's relatiosnhip status ..but have u ever asked if this things happens with u one of us then kaisa lagta?? arre  fir bhi new experince milta  na of changing status..:))
“My take on Facebook ‘Relationship Status’ is that I would never put a relationship on Facebook, unless I was pretty confident in it. My reason for this is, removing your status can be pretty dramatic and it’s drama that I don’t need to deal with.”

ps: just now saw a friend committed in his relationship this thought really strikes on me..cheers for him...:)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi!

    It's Ana Fernatt of Accidentally Sexy. I just saw that you referenced my little ol' blog and am super flattered. :)

    As far as I'm concerned, I really don't see myself going "Facebook Official" again unless it was to announce a marriage...MAYBE engagement. I've come to the resolution that it's just not everyone else's business who I'm dating. Why add that extra level of pressure?


  3. ha ha :)
    dear Ana Fernatt ..take this as compliment Dear ..loved ur'e lines and so as mentioned U in this ..really sorry for mentioning u're name without your permission. According to my friend's blog post i saw she had mentioned u as "Facebook offical " dunno about this mistake just refereed but in case u feelin bad i will remove it :)..
    but really Aw-some lines of ur's thanks for sharin your views :)
    Ps: Dere is no extra level of Pressure ..just wrote for fun extra mockery in this post :)

    1. There's absolutely no reason to take it down. I think it's super cool that you referenced me and my writing!

  4. yo yo that's all pleasure ..keep us writin #cheers :)
