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Tuesday 27 March 2012

Such a life ..-my last few weeks.!

i know this post is very lengthy well i'm not in best of my mood soo expressed it very descriptively.. if anyone is reading this please sit back and relax with a coffee and enjoy and have time pass.:)

 One month and the transition has been phenomenal... Even I cant believe myself... I've taken some of the most matured decisions of my life without being carried away... probably the maturity has not come in th lifes been blissful since the last month.. and I can never thank God enough... I used to always undermine myself... oh I'm the only one leading the dullest and drabbiest of lives... frankly I've just been given too much on my platter in such a short period... Found a great friend in the last month... e form of decisions so to say, but in the manner of change of perspectives and ideologies

2nd year: uneventful year... a year when i found friends... but yet turned into a recluse... kinda avoided company... it was a rather indifferent year...

3rd year: the year I'd always remember...So life's taught me alot come third year... I saw people who I thought were 'friends' going away... And I don't regret their going away... it was for them I found what i did... Saw my ex crush become one of the closest of friends I have right now in my life... and some stranger’s becoming the real part of   life more than my best of friends.. well she special ;) And I am so happy to see his life finally turned out well... like they say there's always light at the end of the tunnel... I guess my third year was all about friends... they did so much of the talking and made me do so  much of it...:) a year that has taught me so much... TERI, eatopia, Tears, farewells, geology, loner, City 

Limits, adviata, rishikesh, sepia, greys, black and whites, bear hugs, fights, crying, laughs, walks, philomaths, "Agneepath", juice, , rush ins, gush ins, chotta recharge, gol gappas, fests, Holi, pinks, blues, greys, PD, PDAs ... SACHIN -HUNDREDTH HUNDRED  such was life..guess what finally I have  been blamed. by good friends. which I havn’t expected ..well shit happens.. I don’t care about that..anyways.being blamed made me more honest and stronger  I got to learn something its all about experience  one thing made me realize is what happening now in life that’s happens for something good something productive..  . probably looking back life couldn't have been any better... a year when i finally felt lucky... and guess my 3rd yr its not been finished yet” picture abhi baki.”. finally more 1 months left for my end sem to over. And that will be my end of eventful full of mystery and  tremendous  year…and lastly able to learn how to cut up expectation and enjoy the surprises more the expectation more pain.. soo making expectation low it really life ..thanks god :)

ANd now beckons a year where i seriously hope my luckiness streak continues... and i cut down on my sentimentalism... sigh... hols have started.. and hoping i make the most of it... just need a break for now... probably a week away into the wilderness... away from people i know... so that piece things together and make new beginnings.. well part left is left I don’t care about those people who blames me. The things which I hadn’t done if anyone blames u for a reason then its hurts but it also says one thing if ur true to yourself… then nothing matters .shit happens..its  the.. part of damn life

Well sometimes I fill.. life is strange.. life is a big joke...
Made it through dunnhumby written, only to be eliminated hook line sinker from the case study... i sucked big time... absolutely clueless, with the talk around me.. i was pathetic...and surprisingly i was pretty confident today, unlike my usual nerve wreck self... I was ready to talk shit but not take shit... and shit happened big time...

As the scene unfolded, I realised how stupid i was, was it'd really take time for me become this aggressive, take initiative to talk, the world will not stop for me, to take me in, to hear my voice.. I have to fight for myself... And I found the big fakers, the pretenders... people who act so cool about everything.

Well Life's been pretty normal... I'm cutting down on my belligerent self.. or probably I've calmed down.

Sometimes I just find myself at odds with the promises I make for myself because try as i might I can't be the perfectionist I want to be. I find it really difficult accepting people for their flaws like i was the epitome of everything perfect. *sigh*
ps : Life's been going in a complete haze really... and sadly so.. Just about find time to get my self up and going for the next day...guess what 2morrow is my lab exam..fuck Up :(
I don't want to continue with engineering anymore or rather with the fucked up system of my college where nothing works.. hardwork intelligence are so alein a term in our college.. or probably I've just not tried enough... whatever the case may be... I am just doing it because i chose to associate myself with it 3 years back...and being an Indian kid I cannot drop out of the system..
lastly i just found a quote which i felt to share well this - "Lead such a life, that, when you die, the people may mourn you, and while you are alive they long for your company.” - Imam Ali s.a"
anyways.. i sign out now .. provably i will come out with a better post next time.. cyaa chaaos:)

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