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Thursday 3 November 2011

Expressing about myself with a rapid fire questions.:)

Thrown in by Som
So here goes the tag, Express has tagged me on...

1. What does my user name mean?
For everybody who knows their Hindi well, would know Soumya means to do things on your own or the self sufficient...and in a beautiful way originally soumya means beautiful  but  happens to save the trouble of calling me by my full name Soumyajeet which means the self established in a beautiful way wanted to win every moment of my life..... People play around with my name, tease me saying that Soumyaaa is a girl name, well I so love my name and love the fact that it is so uniqueness in it.., that there is just no one i feel in my branch  in of my college and that it happens to be eponymous for a Government programme for Women Empowerment.. Well so much for my name...soumyaa-beautiful...well i'm  not a girl thatsway ppl calls me SOM :P c'om..:))

2. Elaborate on your user photo..
Well it just happens to be me lazying on the couch reading Shalimar the Clown...

3. How many comments do you have?
Can we pass this question... Statistics is not me...

4. Whats your current relationship status?
happy with which ever way the status is..:P

5. What exactly are you wearing right now?
A blue jersey mumbai indians  and same blue matchin shorts pants...

6. What is your current problem?
Dont know which way to go in terms of my career... :( that is one thing that gives me alot of cerebral workouts... and i go huffing and puffing and panting...

7. Who do you love the most?
i'm a foodie guy.. love food food and food spicy ;)) & Chocolates... and Chocolates... and more chocolates..icecreams too..:).

8. What makes you most happy?
When I can crack  my pjs and not be asked to shut up... I love people who easily laugh and don't care if they end up making a complete fool of themselves or what the world thinks of them... as in people who know how to laugh at themselves and know how to share a good one... company in which I can be myself... and still be loved for it...

9. Are you musically defined?
yes siree I am... Love all kinds of music, and receptive to most genres except I guess the slam bang variety...:P but i love to indian rock..& yup  I  never understand heavy metal or the growling... its so beyond me...

10. What would you do if you woke up one morning and discovered you were on cocaine?
Change the bed sheet.. what else... :P or probably roll around  :P

11.If you could go back in time and change some thing what would it be?
I guess I'd want to do away with a public speaking fiasco thta happened in my 8th standard which still haunts me till date...:( otherwise pretty happy with whichever way life's turned out...

12. If you must be an animal for a day, what would you be?
My friends would already be knowing the answer a bitch... Oh i so love dogs simply for their ability to give in so completely, to love so completely and unconditionally... i love their swagger, their lazy expression their vacuous stare, their wagging tail, their flapping ears as they run... their love lorn growl when they meet you, as if trying to tell you "ohh I missed you so much, where were you?"... i love their simplicity... Ohh I so love dogs... Sometimes i think I was a dog in my last incarnation...

13. Ever had a near death experience?
nopes... thankfully

14. Name an obvious quality you have?
ability to laugh easily... I dont being branded inebriated or senile... because i so love the easy dental display...

15. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
" I am not gonna write  a love song"..soo aah songs zindgayi na mile dobara-udaye khule pariende,i love this track lyrics so its alway on my mind..

16. Are you happy today?
yup till now I am, don't know for the rest store me for tonite..

17. Who will cut and paste this first?
dunno really... plagiarism should not be practiced you see...

18. Name someone with the same birth? 
 Kerrea Gilbert, English footballer   .. anita raj former indian actress, ravindra jain ,

19. Do you have a secret crush on someone?
yups I do... two in fact... hehe

20. Do you have a garbage disposal in your kitchen sink?
yups... but i wish my life too had a garbage disposal of its own...

21. have you ever been in a fight?
yes i have... the physical ones with sis and the verbal ones with absolute bitches...

22. have you ever sung infront of a large audience?
yes i have although only in a group... a solo performance is beyond a chicken like me

23. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
I guess the way they carry themselves and the smile... I love people who smile through their eyes.. and have a good sense of humour...

24. Say something totally random about yourself?
I am one crazy person... and pretty sentimental... but not emotionally vulnerable... pretty clear hearted i guess... and sometimes find myself so out of place in this complicated world...

25. Has anyone said you looked like a celebrity?
yes they have, but don't think you'd call the person a celebrity...

26. Are you comfortable with your height?
I wasn't but i guess now I am.. i havin stable height i feel..  but am okay with it...

27. What is the most romantic thing somebody's done for you?
took me flying to the dance floor... hehe had my cinderella moment I guess except I was hip hopping than ball dancing...

28. What are your favourite smells?
smell of wet earth, elizabeth arden green tea perfume, fragrance of ma's saree and the smell of my last face wash and theres another smell which is kinda difficult to put in words...

29. What's something that totally annoys you?
two faced people.. people who say uncalled for lies... and people who judge others by their dressing sense and write them off... I so abhor them...

30. What's something you really like?
talking for hours on end... in free time i play cricket , work out, read novels write something craziest after that i tear that page and throw to dustbin its my habit of havin a timepass :)

31. Do you give random hugs and kisses?
To ma, Dad and sis... to others definitely not random...

32. What's the latest you have ever stayed up? 
till 4 in the night...

33. have you ever been rushed into the emergency room?
thankfully never... neither seem anybody being rushed in...

34. Whom would you tag?
  anchal ,abhi ,ishi,suraj , shraabani :)
ps: Life continues and continues.. guess what to a pig enjoying the muck and stench surrounding it (AAh the heat)... Swine flu where are you?? ha ha :)

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