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Friday 4 November 2011

Motivation matter's in life.. to dream big :)

thrown by soumya 
In everyone's life there is some sad and happy moments but we should cherish every moment of our life ,life   its been a  highway sum times up and downs ,but something we should set a goal for our self..and to achieve that, many things i had read but  yesterday i was reading a inspirational lines and enjoyin to inspirational speeches of all great man startin from ..i got many postives from those meaningful lines..
so wana we wana live as follow :)

  • 1.set a goal for yourself
  • 2.Smile as often as you can
  • 3.Share your happiness
  • 4.Be ready to help "people"
  • 5.Be Childish as u can :))
  • 6.Learn to Live in harmony with others..
  • 7.keep your humor,don't be soo serious in life..
  • 8.Don't be afrid under difficult situation
  • 9.forgive yes,forgive.
  • 10.cherish real friendship..
  • 11.Be co-opertive and enjoy team work..
  • 12.yes Don't ignore your loved one..
  • 13.Be confident..
  • 14.Respect the weak.
  • 15.Spoil yourself occastionally..<<yeh tha banta hai>> :)
  • 16.Forgive everyone yes forgive..
  • 17.Be brave and Try New Things..
  • 18.Do not take money too  seriouly..
   well True love is not something that comes everyday,follow your heart,it knows the right answer..isn't..!i know this motivational speech just motivates..but can't earn money which is mostly important in today's world. yaa i know we can't do anything in life unless we became succesful and start earnin ..well  " Brain Tracy"  said one thing i remembered.."To earn more,you must learn more" ,soo keep learning and  keep sharing everything...:)
lastly in "Albert Einstein words.."Try to become not a  man of success,but try rather to become a man of values"

  For now life's running smoothly, become almost a saint....given up on the moh maya   ...*wink* *wink*....and accepted the dull and drabbiness of my life....theres this worldly wisdom thats dawned on me..and its sheer bliss this side....And I've kind of stopped seeing life through rose tinted glasses for now, cause the whole brashness blinds me, and demands a rather myopic view of it..none the less I carry on, with my own share of practicality and pragmatism...taking all dissapointments in my I whistle away the song of life....another lesson learnt from my college life is
"dont ever have expectations, they most often let you down...." but as the world says...
umeed pe duniya kayam becomes almost ambivalent in nature...
P.S.: did I ever mention i was a bag of contradictions...i guess the post's ample proof...

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