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Monday 3 October 2011

Dreaming is easiest task in the world..

Well i feel the easiest task on the earth is most easily wasting away time just dreaming and making your imagination run amok..among the wilderness of other thoughts that shroud your mind...and to be able to that is sheer luxury in today's fast paced world...where you so wish and pray for the day to be a ill more than the given 24 hours, so that you could squeeze in a bit of time for yourself and your loved ones...and as times swishes by how you wish it'd just stop and soak in nature's pulchritude...the slow trickling down of rainwater from the leaves of a tree or the early morning dew drops...or just a small lil puppy sniffing and scratching away...or just running after its the world makes itself busy in writing its own tale of sorts...its a beautiful world out there, all for you to take in...but so less a time...have we people in a way become insensitive to such sights in our run for money!!! meeting deadlines, reaching office, puking, partying etc etc is what occupies most of our time...we go in for walks with our ipod plugged the chirping of birds gets lost in the early morning din...all of this probably is big talk in today's world...but in no way impossible...they say the busiest man is one who has time for everything...and I'm sure if we put in that lil bit of effort, nature will in way make us a whole lot more sensitive and observant...and calm our troubled souls...
life is beautiful...but sometimes its just the complexion that troubles and make it rough..but i feel sometimes we have to goo beyond  see beyond..this materialistic world this plastic world.. live in the world  nature its so..beautiful.. 

yaa. i know fantasies  is always happy to see in our dreams and i feel dreaming is very good but why not we try to come up with that into enjoy dream but make it bigger and real.. this all i want to  share.. woops.. i wake up now.aahan..hey  was i 'm dreaming what is i had written all this what ha ha.;)))
okies..Bahut zyaada philosophy ho gayi!!!! i guess i can give philosophical speech pretty well..anyways cheers.:))
ps:having a random thought ..!!

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