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Tuesday 12 March 2013

Is that the looks Matters ?

 Enjoy the Raw experience ..:)

basically I could'nt really think of a good title...Anyways many things have happened through this week that kinda got me thinking about the whole good looks debate...You know I have written off people depending on how theie looks are, but then again being the kindof ugly Betty that I am, i have absolutly no right doing so...I mean is it anybody's fault that they look a particular way or the kindof complexion they have ...and I dont really remember being given a choice when I was "up above the world so high", about how i wanted to look or the shade I wanted as my complexion, although a #willSmith look would have made al the difference in my anyways getting on with the ethical debate, I'd like to ask "doesnt your nature and your intrinsic worth that is for stays in the long run..For Pete's sake people one gory accident in your life and you can see the whole course of your life changing making all your foolish pride break into pieces...I mean atleast try and see things from the other side as well... i don't think a lighter complexion or a higher cheek bone or a roman nose would make a trifle difference to the company you've been enjoying, okey at the first instant probably it does but after you start talking probably you become oblivious to all flaws. All of this probably is just euphemism on my part and my way of saying the grapes are sour..but what the heck it keeps my life going. By discriminating against people depending on their skin tone our we not in a way propounding strains of Apartheid?
 Fairness creams continue to be an instant sell out, while the western nations (whoes trends we so hopelessly try and emulate) go in for the tanned look. I sometimes look into the mirror and wonder, whether my being a lil more fairer or darker complexioned (if thers a word) would make so much of a difference to my life, Is that LOOks is so important that it matters the most to led a life?

 I don't think so inspite of whatever shade my skin tone falls into, I will continue to have the best set of friends I could have ever asked for, the best parents, a whole and healthy body...
"What more on earth can I ask for"??? wonding  "Why is it people only see the book cover and never want to take the time to read the book?"Looks are only skin deep, they fade with age. provably we must remember this  True beauty comes from don't judge a book by its cover."

Probably its easy on my part to say looks dont matter and everything but when you actually are involved in such a imbroglio, my stance would probably change and I'd probably see all such ideals shaking...but all in all the trick lies in accepting yourself the way you are, although at times it does become a horrendous task....In the end always remember.
Ps: "you are always more than what meets the blinking eyes"

 Beauty comes from the heart <3 not from looks. and as we know if the heart ugly who heal cares about the Looks..