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Thursday 11 April 2013

The END of An Era ....

well Life's been decent eventful and beautiful  season has comin to an end... A heart warming year... A year of many first's...linkup breaks up adjustment sharing  And i hope life continues on this note... But sometimes life puts me in such quandaries... my inability to tell things to people on their face to avoid uncomfortable situations gets to me... for once i want to be real honest with people and tell them this is what I don't like in them... I don't like them commenting on my life, on the way I was, on the way I look... On how I work... I hate it when people pick on raw wounds, pick on my ego, pick on things way too personal for me... I don't like it... same with all ppl's Probably you people don't intend to hurt me but somewhere down it pinches me... Some things don't go down well with me... They just don't so spare me... :)

Been quite known to this fact "Success taste Great and failure just pinches hard in darks" .and in postive way if we take its just an act of a Medicines for us to Reback concenrate on our own perspective life goal before jugglin down often anyways  ..

Learnt the hard way through life , is not Alwaz a Milk and roses .life's a precarious balance... everythings in transition and ever evolving... Thanks to that Almighty that  He gave me some sweetest buddies that i won't forgetin after my life span ..

This Post is all about friends , Guys Who been involved with me are my pillars..who pushes me hard and try N try again ,  make me run in this Long Run keep in feetin in all sphere of my life ..they are my philosphers & poat and lovers.when me down they walk me up ..

 This part of my life is  called "Happiness and most important learnin period of my life " my collage life" .. its eventually soon goin to be closed ,A tumultous memorable Era of each And everyones life .The Era which u would extremely miss after some months and weeks just wonder where this beginnings starts and now its goin to be an All we'll be left with is memories and it'l be the end of collage ....6years have been just flown by of my life..

This life taught me almost every thing its hercules  task for me to put into words .rite now numb and emotional kinda tears in eyes ,asking myself what will i do without this Guysss .. my eventful era soon goin to be an end..From Acquaintances then to bestfriends and now  to Brothership. this  part of my life gave me special friends for lifetime where i can't live without them ,the fun masti touchedhood ship <<bromances>> ..from Oh teri  to chotta recharge ,gol gappas fests, weekends hang out . viva test to end term prepartion ,movies ,cricket matches many more probably lookin back life couldn't have any better . this era  says "where close friends became more close" .
ANd now beckons a new era  where i seriously hope my luckiness streak continues... and i cut down on my sentimentalism... sigh... hols have started.. and hoping i make the most of it... just need a break for now... probably a week away into the wilderness... away from families just wana stay with my buddies i know... so that piece things together and make me boastin up to make a new beginnings...

College has in many ways made me a whole lot wiser in terms of dealing with people and taught me there's no place for a simpleton in this world....i could actually write a whole book on the lessons learnt in college....will do that later....but College is slowly coming to an end... Everything cherished is going to go far to make way for new... probably material pursuits will replace them... take the intangible place but if only they'd satisfy me... If only i'd not miss the people who form part of my life now...thanks for everything if i exist or not that i dunno guys but whenever u 'vl able to miss me just read my blog post.."Hum rahe ya na rahe per humara good wishes "humesha rahega aap sab dosto ke saat..dunno what life will come next but this the part of life i want to enjoy again and again with u mates..where the endless and seamless story goes on and on the endless nites.caffeine addiction,gargantuan syllabus and laughs the "HIGH FIVEs "the guitars the masti's  ..somosaas.. Dk bose ;] gaaliyaa won't be dere after this year ends..

koi baat  nai end bhala tha sab bhala..i we'd be just caught adjusting to the vicissitudes of my life..i want this time to stop, stop forever... for all my petty quibbles about college life, it has given me a lot and it'l all end... and memories are all that'l be left... 

Ps: The END of AN ERA. vl this be the beginnin of AN Epic or not  vl catch this later and i says cyaaiooo ;)
Ciiyoonaaara :)