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Wednesday 10 July 2013

My unSaid wish ...

  An unsaid wish – I wanna go back to the time when "getting high" meant "on a swing". When "drinking" meant "mango juice". When "Dad" was the only "hero", when "love" was "mom's hug". When "Dad’s shoulder" was "the highest place on earth". When you’re "worst enemies were your siblings". When the only thing that could "hurt" were "bruised knees", when the only things "broken" were your "toys" and when "good byes" only meant "till tomorrow"

Things Changed .. isn't so as life as we grow up we just realized life is not a milk and roses everything has its worth . Very thankful to this technology as its played a rampant change in my life . technology is been super class, Just going through gadgets  * fainted*. Now a days the only way to survive this world is not just the Air but also Technology includes .Been the part of this 21st century   i would like to through my thoughts on this tech world..being over bloomed Yoo Yoo Here we Goo :)

.In today’s information age thanks to the rampant development in technology, we are seeing unprecedented changes in our everyday life. Whether its career choices, the academic courses we pursue, how we connect with friends and family or even how we search for potential partners. Today most of us have the freedom to choose from the smallest things like the food we want to eat to the person we want to spend our lives with. This growing freedom of choice coupled with the free flow of information via internet, media and social networks, drive individuals to excel and achieve success at an accelerated pace. With the growing number of expectations to fulfill, aspirations to accomplish, and the need to prove one-self, our world predominately centers our needs, and our desires.

Ps:Thanks to the ever advancing technology, the number of Long Distance relationships with family and with gf''s have increased manifold. Facebook, Twitter, E-Mails and other social sites connect people across borders and oceans. It is so easy to fall in love with someone who is miles apart ;) ;)