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Tuesday 31 July 2012

My dumb skull low confidences life :-)

Just can't find proper title to this post so added this ;)
With nothing to do in the Night session and I don’t find any sleep  trying lamest of tricks..
To be in bed closing my eyes but unable to feel sleepy to thought be share some stuffs who knows after some days i won't be able post if any busy schedules comes life is uncertain..anyways. hey thanks friends for lot of appreciation in my last post..
Just want to write some stuff which were Printing in my dumb skull rite now some of the stories about my reclusive life dumb low confidence life well every body would have gone through the same phase of life something what we want to do we can't so why we can't are we nervous the stage fear ?okk but for what.. same stories also happened with  me :-) and we all knows how to gain it again and be confident with a char mastic smiles :-)
Here We goo..Things have happened in the last couple of  months, which have in a way made me realise how vocal chord deprived I’ve become…And increasingly so… I’m realizing how I no longer seek company rather shun away from any kind of interaction..Probably its not self ostracization as I’m putting it to be..its just my reticence…I’m really bad conversationalist (do I see somebody smiling…) especially on the phone, most of my conversations don’t go beyond 10 minutes or so… Lucky for the person whose calling me…Just once did it get stretched to half an hour or so…that too when I was talking to this friend of mine on the sorry state of affairs of the Indian primary education system, reservations et al… For on my part I never really call people up… and I know most of friends hold grudges against me for the same... why I don’t call them through school friends especially..I know its irksome, but my political correctness or rather my indifference more than saves me...

To tell you the truth I think I've just got too used to writing that I've forgotten the real thing.. and I'm very bad at making myself heard, God Knows how I save myself during the vivas...its worse when I want to talk on things close to my heart..but of course nobody is saved any of diatribe when it comes to issues of respecting women, an egalitarian society being still an illusion, capital punishment, women enpowerment etc are getting the flow I guess But even that was there back in school, I still have'nt found that kind of an audience in college so to say... ALso one of the major reasons for this kind of a behaviour is low self confidence. sometimes even self-defloration...what is the reason behind such a sad case of personality disorder is an incident that happened in my 8th standard wherein I screwed up my ass while reading the news headlines for morning session and comments me as if I’m doing commentary  and a some  Debating competition in my school time. Where I kept pronouncing a  particular word wrong (true to my oriya roots)...That just kept on adding to the nervous breakdown I was already anchoring for myself... and then a tick off from my class teacher  and my house lead head boy of my batch who from that day on never made an effort to make it easy for me to be part of the class, constantly leaving me out of everything related to Hindi..that kinda left an indellible imprint on oh god my self confidence was never the same ever again... It was a downfall like nothing else, from being a decent enough public speaker in junior school to a loser in senior. people say public memory is short, but what about my memory??while after schools when I join university  I did recuperate after that, doing well in academics decent enough in debating ,quizzing  got some of appreciation and awarded too  speaking to my level best “trying my best “ but as I said I wasn’t at my 100% my oratory skills were never the same ever again. And that is why I love my school mates so much, they've stood by me helping me in getting back my self worth, their constant appreciation..that it was not the end of the world ..that there was so much more to me... and my teachers who later came along, especially my principal sir my maths teacher  and english teachers  kanta mam from childhood ,rita mam, shrabani ma'am and my  computer  teacher  niranjan sir ,my games teacher  to our hindi mam from class 3th to my 10th standard .. They've had so much of love for me and their belief in my potential... God knows where I'd be without them... I miss them. But I miss one man the way  he tells me  the he speaks  out  and and boast up confidences sometimes I just get sacred of him with his thundering tone  not only me its my batch most of my mates fav. teacher  well he is in RIP now never the less his memories and his stunned speech sometimes reflects on my ears . great  samal sir.!

So anyways getting on with it... You know I could actually start on of those agony aunt sessions in the newspapers..even i astound myself at my profoundness... but that too comes out only when I'm on those chat sessions with my friends.. I guess after that incident I've never properly recovered my voice..lost that lil voice inside me too... And ofcourse I suffer from a different kind of dyslexia so to say, where in I have all those wonderfully intellectual sentences reeling inside my head but all that comes out is nothing less than puke...Its in the rarest of rare occasions that i actually sound impressive rather like a pseudo its been an 2 yrs since actually sound impressive trying to be confident happy with the recents PPT sessions with mock Pi and talk about of myself ,group discussion things just started coming in the way now J I have this side to myself which constantly tries to emulate such an image.. I guess i just want to sound like a know-it-all...I want to know my international politics (from the castros to the Mugabes to the Ang Sang Suu kyi), my books (from the motorcycle diaries to twilight in Delhi..last mughal etc), my movies ( from Humphrey Bogart to Satyajit Shyam Benegal to Ingram Bergman) to Indian economics..not to forget music and history too...but the sad part is I'm no where near any of this.. infact all of the above is just names dropping... Ignorance continues to be scandalous...
Well thoda zyada hoo gaya I know  I know J..never the less just had dreams  to be as confident  and not be declared as dumbskull..and doormate  to anyone.
And I continue to while away time... when I should be spending more time reading and talking...balderdashing is more like it... and things are actually improving, people are coming forward to help my case..the spirit of altruism still exists...

PS: it’s not such a bad world after all :)

Confidence it’s the simple word what speaks from the eyes of the people and smile speaks its only required in this world to tackle to shackle  any obstacle’s  in life Hope God provides us such confidences in any adverse situation of our life ki Nai friends sahi  hai na ..and All we  ppl’s have our nervous time but we have it come up and battle this world..WE All  have that in ourselves just we have to see it :-)

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