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Thursday 28 February 2013

cerebral workouts-March begins..:)

So here’s the fortnightly wrap up on the trials and tribulations of the great being that I am. (Narcissism wins again). Nothing out of the world has happened in my life lately, except for the people in my life of course. :)
Well not really when I am the one acting out all kinds of phantasmorgic idiosyncrasies. I don’t know why I have this really inane ability of finding humour in the lamest of things. And I’ve also got used to my friend Rapunzel’s incredulous stares at my dental display. While others just join in laughing at me than with me. Anyways :)

Chalo chalo back to the point…
 lately I have been sparing myself a lot of cerebral workouts… although my tryst with bad luck continues…Runnin for my life , but decided to take things on face value, cause over scrutinisation of situations leads nowhere, only adds to the shit you are already going through… therefore spare yourself for like somebody says “why kill yourself? Life will do it for you”… on the sadistic tone I continue… The U-special throws tantrums again like an old cranky woman, suffering from oldage angst or like I guess, a spluttering scooter, with the splutters at higher decibels with sub-woofers.

I tell you even all of this underplaying how the DTC bus ditches you like a philandering girlfriends and the blue line behaves like a lovelorn lover… :)
Thankfully I’m not made to bear with much of it, because all of this is limited to Monday mornings when I movin into the … We have instances when the bus runs out of petrol as petrols hikes desdays too much expensive everythin goes high yesterday news cracks me down the budget's News
..what to do.okies than to heal the hike , when it breaks down on top of the fly over… and I stop myself from shouting ‘I am on top of the world’ after all its only rare that you reach class late with genuine enough excuses… And there are other instances too… but I’ll leave my elaborations. For project work , Did it ever strike you, how the shades of the red and green mega capacity buses look as if the green ones are for vegetarians only and the red ones for non-vegetarians.

So anyway we also had the stale like a   party last last week… and it left me deeply saddened at the sad sense of humour of my college mates. heard from my fellow mates  I mean things don’t have to be reduced to levels of crass vulgarity to make them funny… good clean humour I know is difficult…but then again art should not be reduced to such levels. It was sad. The skit was the only show spoiler for me, the dancing was awesome… especially the break dancing which was out of the world… If Chavvi you are reading this, girl you were amazing…

And then we had then Mr. and Ms. personality competition… faltu things  first up, I find these things really vain… and highly demeaning the manner in which it was carried out. The swearing, the hooting, the leveling of insinuations… the kind of questions that were being put forward... superfluous display of attitude on part of the judges… shameless obsequiousness on part of the freshers… hmmm .. chalo enough of all of this…

Nothing else really happening in my life for now… In the Mean while enjoyed to @ Im Legend-movie  by my legend ..sir #willsmith ,adore him like anything love him its all #respect that all i can pursue. what a movie
my "birthday" gone yesterday ..its blessed to be seenin one more birthday with blessin of my almighty..!
Ps: Really Happy to See My God is back in action  three cheers for  our ..@Sachin  we love u and happy to see u bat like this :)

wish this March brings lots of success and relaxin month for everyone ..till now cyiooo.:)

The shadow being real ..

There's a growing interest in the phenomenon of shadow people. What are they? Ghosts? Interdimensional beings? Time travelers? Something else?

"WHAT WAS THAT?" You were sitting comfortably on your sofa reading the latest issue of FATE in the dim light when movement across the room caught your attention. It seemed dark and shadowy, but there was nothing there. You returned to your reading - and a moment later there it was again. You looked up quickly this time and saw the fleeting but distinctly human shape of the shadow pass quickly over the far wall... and disappear.
What was that? Some natural shadow? Your heightened imagination? A ghost? Or was it something that seems to be a spreading phenomenon - apparitions that are coming to be known as "shadow people" or "shadow beings." Perhaps this is an old phenomenon with a new name that is now being discussed more openly, in part thanks to the Internet. Or maybe it's a phenomenon that, for some reason, is manifesting with greater frequency and intensity now.

Those who are experiencing and studying the shadow people phenomenon say that these entities almost always used to be seen out of the corner of the eye and very briefly. But more and more, peop
le are beginning to see them straight on and for longer periods of time. Some experiencers testify that they have even seen eyes, usually red, on these shadow beings.
The mysterious sightings have become a hot topic of conversion in paranormal chat rooms, message boards and websites, and it is given widespread attention on paranormal talk radio.

PS: What are shadow people and where do they come from? Several theories have been offered.Just a thought to share..:)

Tuesday 5 February 2013

One Billion Raped, One Billion Rising- This Valentines Plz rise up

 statutory warnin..-its been a long post  plz read out with patiences  ..if anyone is  readin out  then have cup of tea or coffee and plzz read out ..

 Before sharing out just want to convey thanks to my fellow mates for the last post read out .. feb begins ..its the month of" love ".. and talkin about me ohoo phew what else... I am a true blue romantic... I don't like grandiose in terms of romance and love but the subtler and sudden the gestures the more heart warming... probably something like a surprise note or remembering the most off hand of things that I've told you... it works for me...

 Valentine's month  is for lovers! And for you! Celebrate by taking part in activities that really only make sense on February 14th.
Like a bottom-feeding flat fish whose shiny eye stares up at you from the sand, Valentine's Day is all about making the most of what you have, even if what you have is just surface scum that has drifted down to the bottom of the sea. 

lets come to the point the month of februry is back.. its the month of love happiness and romantice month of this season.. It's that time of year again -- Valentine's Day around the corner.. Here are some divine options to reinvent the quintessential flowers/chocolates/jewelry depending on the status of your relationship.  ANyways . 
.keep this V-DAY down the corner and take this ...this valentine rather givin roses This Valentine's Day, instead of honoring the women you love with cancer-causing sweets or environment-destroying greeting cards, do something REVOLUTIONARY!

The incident which was occured in recent past already extremely horrific, without the exaggeration. All I want is to make an appeal to everyone who is reading this post  to put constructive effort in demanding for justice, and not participating in spreading and doin mockery and havin dere view points..

 There are now 7 billion people on the planet, roughly half of whom are women.

Recent statistics state that 1 in 3 women will be raped or beaten during her lifetime.

So even by low estimates, we are facing a worldwide epidemic of Violence Against Women that will affect -- no, devastate -- ONE BILLION of our mothers, daughters and sisters.

AND for every ACTION there must be an equal and opposite REACTION.

For every woman beaten, a woman is rising against such brutality. For every Jyoti, there is a Rita out on the streets chanting, NO MORE!

#Eve Ensler and V-DAY have launched a massive international campaign entitled ONE BILLION RISING. Inspired by, and in sisterhood with, the wave of protests raging across South Asia today, One Billion Rising is part of the global REACTION to rape. what happened in the National capital its a serious protest to these activisties..

This V-DAY, February 14th, ONE BILLION OF US will rise up in towns and cities around the world. People like you and me, coming together to show their support for a different kind of world.

Because chances are, if you're reading this, you have been beaten or raped (at least once) or you know someone who has. You have survived, they have survived, I have survived- and now it's time to focus our energy into changing these odds for the sake of our daughters and their daughters to come.

To begin with, here is the ultimate fact everyone needs to understand:

For every woman killed by the fist, the stone, or the pyre, countless women wake up, stand up and join the movement to end Violence Against Women. Every senseless death must breed a thousand new warriors for change. They may be able to separate us individually and attack us on the streets, in our homes, in the courtroom... but once united, we form a force more powerful than rape that cannot be defeated.


And that's where you come in: Women, girls, men and boys.

Men and boys have a role to play in this movement too, especially men in positions of power. They can be models and teachers on how to love and support the women and girls in their lives. And every man should speak up and take action when a woman is being harassed, threatened or abused. Two-time Super Bowl Champ Jarvis Green has joined V-DAY's Call To Action For Men, setting an example of how male role-models can help us put an end to Violence Against Women.

We must also begin to look beyond the back alleys for the root causes of Violence Against Women and shed light on the places where impunity and complacency fester. Dr. Vandana Shiva does an illuminating job at unveiling the connection between violence targeting women and policies that disregard the role women play in the world economy. Reminding us "that the rape of the Earth and rape of women are intimately linked, both metaphorically in shaping our worldviews and materially in shaping women's everyday lives."

As an activist focused on the human rights of women and girls in war zones, I have seen more than my share of the destruction caused by rape and state-sponsored Violence Against Women. I have been made sick by it.

But one thing I learned from my sisters in the Congo, where nearly every woman I met had been raped, is that once the stigma is erased, once enough women have been ravaged and left for dead, what's left behind is courage and intelligence and an unbreakable strength that continues to rise... and we rise with a primal scream that roars "you're going to have to kill every last one of us to keep us quiet!"

And what happens when every last woman is gone? Mankind's future is wholly dependent on womankind and our wombs. By attacking women and raping little girls (you know who you are and now I'm speaking to you), you only add fuel to our firefight; you multiply our armies for justice and security; you amplify our collective furor.

The only end game I can see is either we win, and violence against women ends, or we die trying... and in both cases you lose. Checkmate rapist!

When I'm feeling distraught and consumed with grief from yet another gang rape on a bus, I turn instead to the stories of everyday heroines out there. These are the women waking up every day, putting on their armor and taking on the Goliath that is Violence Against Women. Women like those of La Ruta Pacifica in Colombia, whose groundbreaking direct actions join campesino, black, indigenous and urban women in massive mobilizations, or "rutas," held in locations controlled by armed groups who specifically target women. Or heroines like kiren Bedi of  our own nation, who has spent more than 25 years standing up for increased legal protections for women, despite being consistently harassed, threatened ..

These women, and thousands like them, are leading us out of this violent nightmare. Inspired by their will, their steadfast vision and their immense courage, I am motivated to rise up too.

Although I am in the relative safety of my home , women are being raped and abused in record numbers all around me! That sad fact should infect you like a parasite, and take up host in your brain, as it has in mine...until you can't help but get off the couch and join us in doing something about it.

This Valentine's Day, instead of honoring the women you love with cancer-causing sweets or environment-destroying greeting cards, do something REVOLUTIONARY!

Events and flash mobs are planned all over the globe!  to find the event nearest you, and GO to learn the flash mob dance "Break The Chain" at home (also available for those with compromised mobility
Join us to add your voice to the Global Movement To End Violence Against Women. Just by showing up at an event, you are altering the course of history and making our numbers greater. If you can't get to an event, at the very least, SIGN THIS PETITION to tell the leaders of the world that Violence Against Women is deplorable and demand change now!


my life like my writing has become hackneyed. This one also soon goin to be hackneyed .anyways .who cares i wil be happy if any construtive motivation been taken ..thanks all.!!:)
• A global strike
• An invitation to dance
• A call to men and women to refuse to participate in the status quo until rape and rape
culture ends
• An act of solidarity, demonstrating to women the commonality of their struggles and their
power in numbers
• A refusal to accept violence against women and girls as a given
• A new time and a new way of being

Enough Now the Violence End now.. 
 WALK, DANCE, and RISE UP on the 14th of February 2013, and demand an end to violence against women!