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Thursday 28 February 2013

cerebral workouts-March begins..:)

So here’s the fortnightly wrap up on the trials and tribulations of the great being that I am. (Narcissism wins again). Nothing out of the world has happened in my life lately, except for the people in my life of course. :)
Well not really when I am the one acting out all kinds of phantasmorgic idiosyncrasies. I don’t know why I have this really inane ability of finding humour in the lamest of things. And I’ve also got used to my friend Rapunzel’s incredulous stares at my dental display. While others just join in laughing at me than with me. Anyways :)

Chalo chalo back to the point…
 lately I have been sparing myself a lot of cerebral workouts… although my tryst with bad luck continues…Runnin for my life , but decided to take things on face value, cause over scrutinisation of situations leads nowhere, only adds to the shit you are already going through… therefore spare yourself for like somebody says “why kill yourself? Life will do it for you”… on the sadistic tone I continue… The U-special throws tantrums again like an old cranky woman, suffering from oldage angst or like I guess, a spluttering scooter, with the splutters at higher decibels with sub-woofers.

I tell you even all of this underplaying how the DTC bus ditches you like a philandering girlfriends and the blue line behaves like a lovelorn lover… :)
Thankfully I’m not made to bear with much of it, because all of this is limited to Monday mornings when I movin into the … We have instances when the bus runs out of petrol as petrols hikes desdays too much expensive everythin goes high yesterday news cracks me down the budget's News
..what to do.okies than to heal the hike , when it breaks down on top of the fly over… and I stop myself from shouting ‘I am on top of the world’ after all its only rare that you reach class late with genuine enough excuses… And there are other instances too… but I’ll leave my elaborations. For project work , Did it ever strike you, how the shades of the red and green mega capacity buses look as if the green ones are for vegetarians only and the red ones for non-vegetarians.

So anyway we also had the stale like a   party last last week… and it left me deeply saddened at the sad sense of humour of my college mates. heard from my fellow mates  I mean things don’t have to be reduced to levels of crass vulgarity to make them funny… good clean humour I know is difficult…but then again art should not be reduced to such levels. It was sad. The skit was the only show spoiler for me, the dancing was awesome… especially the break dancing which was out of the world… If Chavvi you are reading this, girl you were amazing…

And then we had then Mr. and Ms. personality competition… faltu things  first up, I find these things really vain… and highly demeaning the manner in which it was carried out. The swearing, the hooting, the leveling of insinuations… the kind of questions that were being put forward... superfluous display of attitude on part of the judges… shameless obsequiousness on part of the freshers… hmmm .. chalo enough of all of this…

Nothing else really happening in my life for now… In the Mean while enjoyed to @ Im Legend-movie  by my legend ..sir #willsmith ,adore him like anything love him its all #respect that all i can pursue. what a movie
my "birthday" gone yesterday ..its blessed to be seenin one more birthday with blessin of my almighty..!
Ps: Really Happy to See My God is back in action  three cheers for  our ..@Sachin  we love u and happy to see u bat like this :)

wish this March brings lots of success and relaxin month for everyone ..till now cyiooo.:)

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