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Saturday 30 June 2012

Of rains and rains its goes and my insouciance.

Had the most beautiful evening of my college life , thanks to vickyy and hema bhai company .. The walk to the mba canteen in the light drizzle & rains and rains..with Micey and vickyy and then being joined by hema bhai hilarious with his Rum pack  .:). the talk of our childhood, about cartoons we returned home to... the days of doordarshan and then the advent of cable tv, cartoon network, tales spin, Mowgli, powerpuff girls, dexter... Yesteryears spent enjoying Govinda movies, the absolute surrealism reeking on catastrophic flights of imagination of Indian cinema, the hideousness we went gaga over and then the slow refining of tastes in movies and music alike or just looking at the moving rain laden clouds, watching the playful flirting of dogs.and the politics in our country had made our conversation lot more spicy :)

    The talk of what our lives had become now, the run for a job, the absolute shit holes we were in right now, we all had our share of problems, and ranting was all we could do... that was what I was doing more... Our ruminations on life and our inadequacies... And then the downpour, and the run on a whim to get drenched... we were soaking wet by the end of it all, jumping on puddles, splashing water on each other... It was all so beautiful... never had I enjoyed the rains this much... And all this when exams were just a week  away and we'd not even started studying for 1 paper IDC.  I guess just added more to the fun factor..

     And then the luke warm maggi in the canteen... Life couldn't make any more beautiful experiences... It was sheer bliss... the face towards the inky blue night sky and the feel of rain drops on my face... And you realise how what we run after is so shallow, so frivolous but important for the fact that it was part of the real world and there is no running away from the toil of life... You can only give back when you have something in hand... for all my romanticism an empty hand can give nothing...

When rains stopped had gone to hostel and spend a little time with bj and chinmaya  and the evening gone lot more beautiful n brighten  with having veg.pokadora and gol gappa’s  in the near by my campus thanks to  chinmaya  for  veg.pokadora tasted yummy. ohoo my taste bud burned too with eatin soo fired up pokadora garam garam ..luks lyk these rainy season is just belongs to me after getting wet enjoyin little warm aah that’s fantastic ..

    And then the drive back to the master canteen station with rapunzel, with the music on high, karoaking to the songs, through the pot holed roads, again in the rains... its been beautiful... loosing myself to the deluge and the greenery, watching wet birds take flight, a scared wet mongrel run for cover... Could life get anymore idyllic..probably if I had a job in hand as well... that is how cruel life can get.. sigh... :)

ps :"May it rain again...
 May there be more such evenings..."

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