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Thursday 30 August 2012

Felling Being a Shame to my generation :-]

so ohkey two days for september and I still have'nt done anything fruitful...on top of that I'm playing truant.. Frankly I really want to do some real concrete work but all that i end up doing is searching really inane topics on environment.. And reading one journal after another... and i still dont know what kind of work is expected outta me... God save my requitors... Anyways getting on with it I'm finally doing a bit of socializing... ohh i so need it... First meeting with an old school friend and I realize how socially awkward I've become... I turn into this spastic suffering from acute speech retardation... Anyways that friend of mine is a complete blabber mouth so its a feat in itself if you can actually string together a complete sentence... so yaa getting on with it, we were also joined by another of her friends who like her was a bong.. and the result a bengali tirade over momos, chicken drumsticks, chocolate tart and truffle... and some random recollection of some random mithun, shanto some ghosh some anirban... imagine me..the odd one okey i understand bengali and “ammi ektu ektu bangali bol ti pari kintu tah mane na” “amma ki ai rakam gupshup bhalo lage”... hope I got that right if i didnt spare me bengalis... you are the proverbial bhadra lok... accept the humble apologies of an oriya (no we are not called odiyan or odissi...god knows what they'll come up with the next time around)... so why the title of the post "What a shame"... well the diatribe or rather the rhetoric of the two bong bombshells made we realise what a shame I was to my are a few reasons..

  • I still get back home after socialising at 6:30 and that is in the evening (shameful i know)
  • I hardly have a social life.. I'm usually a spoil sport to any outings other than places my place or near my college.. i know I behave no less than an animal at times but bhubnaeswar is surely not my jungle
  • “Madira ka sevan aaj tak nahi kiya gaya hai.”LOL  wines. neither am i a rolling stone... although I guess I know most of the jargonary attached to it... and no not even a drag from a hookah soa ciggy is out of the question...
  • Well i turned more than 21+ now  and I don't have any past relationship to boast off. just had once  but that gone into sides lines although I miss her ..anyways but only mortifyingly embarassing incidents that I till date continue to regret... I've had my emotions being trampled on mercilessly.. Ahh you need to build up the melodrama...not even a “date” that I can tell my kids about... =D
  • and my sartorial knowledge is shameful... so i'm not only a shame to the generation but a shame to the male species too..
  • and yaa not even stepped into A maacho type Man....(Sal man ) not even spider man nor batman :-]what my friends had become now, just being a normal guy(Amul paalekaarr) ichi ichi  such a shame  to my “Mardangi “
  • Till now no “struggle” with this rebellious life too what I ‘m today only because of my parents  ichi :-( . 

aint these reasons enough to be called a shame... well i've become unabashed shameless person.. my friends have so tried to change me.. and succeded to a certain extent but i guess i'm beyond repair now.. Old habits die hard.. And anyways my friends plan to get me drunk on my birthday lets see.. I 'm still in two minds about the whole evolutionary process ... So its a battle between Darwin's survival of the fittest (does my untarnished history finally get botched ..) and Lamarck's Natural Selection (or this is how I was always meant to be)... Jo jeeta wohi sikandar... Mind you i'm not talking about Sikander Kher and Mithan da son new movie comin "now he will do comedy " oh god ( as in 'finding Nemo') after Mimoh's atrocious debacle on the Silver Screen with his movie 'Jimmy'... For people low in BQ ( bollywood quotient) Mimoh is our very own Disco Dancer Mithun Chakravorty's son..( Mithun da please read Chetan Bhagats 3 mistakes, hope that acts as detterent enough to stop you from making any more movies,  .. Life is cruel irrespective of whether it is real or reel... I think I’m drunk  now  lines making me embarrassing after readin this so what u people must be going through ohoo god such a torture. I know guys what to just heal with it else have some rasgolasss :-]..

Ps: life is been blissful getting such a beautiful “parents” thanks to that Almighty Me blissed who had given me such a caring parents and guided me in my every sphere of life till now well it’s not a feeling of  being shame it’s a feeling of being protected I fill still been treated like a baby ha ha  .
Now I’m getting it why our parent’s guide us more when we grow up more . I was to my although I feel shame that I hadn’t done anything in life apart from living a normal way than to live like a “insane” Nor  also ashamed for living this "Normal lifeonly becaz of my parents .

So if by listening to my parents guidelines to live a normal life than to be Macho and enjoy life with Hookaa’s on my right hand and “laandiya”  on my left side.”faaizal khan” :-]] well this line is just the credit  by watching that wonderful stupendous movie (Gangs of wassespur-2). and being not be shame then let it be .. will I happily want to continue being unabashed shameless person to this society  than to see my parents fill bad for me..
Guys September comes now it’s the month of birthday’s its special month for me as some achievements in past I got and I like it becaz all my close friends birthdays comes this month and  celebrations ,being a hindu all puja’s starts from  this month onwards ONAM already gone which alwaz comes on sept...I wish May this September brings #peace and success to each and everyone’s life and May this world be in peace and all get placed in any company as this new season starts for fresher placements .

Well till then ciao till October to come :-] all be safe and don’t be shameless person like me enjoy ur life to the fullest all but in a constructive way and listen to u’re parents what they say even those lecture’s I also fill hard to digest to  heal  its little painful but what to future we all will also pass through the same phase to care our kids LOL soo kuch sunlenge tha future mein wahi line repeat karne mein there won’t be any problem he he :-] 

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