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Friday 19 October 2012

some people born with a silver spoon in their mouth, while some with none at all

this the post is all about my morning saga's the traffic jams and narrating scences sharin with u all  what i had seen while in traffics . this which i want to ask to all friends .. To this I question 'why are some people born with a silver spoon in their mouth, while some with none at all??' all about the rich and poor childrens in streets ..

Life is so unfair... and is always meant to be is one of the ultimate truths of life... other than the 'dust to dust, ashes to ashes' philosophy ofcourse (so what if you have asthama, everybody bites the dust and some just snuff away...)Just the other day, while going to collage, my bus gets stuck in a traffic jam early morning near one of my cities poshes schools (wonder if they have a beckham school too...sorry for the lame attempt at humour).
So like always to me the traffic jam looks like a microcosm, brimming and overflowing with life, with lil' kids in nursery dressed in cute pants and barbie tshirts, colorful hairbands (wonder where have the frilly frocks have gone, with puffy sleeves, gone are the days *sigh*)... With older boisterous boys back slapping each other, the geekier ones looking all so dishevelled and out of breath...and the other kind with a detached lookon their faces nonchalantly ambling into the school gates, the honking and shouting all white noise to their ears.. there are the other classifications too, but let me keep my Linnaeus spirit out of it, and getting down the prettier part of the human race, girls!! The strange thing about girls is that irrespective of their age groups they can all be generalized and yet each one of them continue to hold something so inherently unique in each one of them, so I guess I'll just stick to the generalisation...
The girls come in swinging their pony tails, swaying their mane with the ubiquitous tic tacs cutely adorning their hair with kohl lined eyes, cute pink orange flowery bags with humungous number of keychains hanging, singing jingle bells irrespective of the month, whispering into each others ears, smirking at the dork walking by or the portly nerd of their class. And what is common to all of them is the slam banging of car doors (yup here comes the leftist).. and in the midst of all of the sleek sedans, comes a spluttering scooter with five people completely jam packed, looking like loaves of bread is a severely squashed packet… 

Life’s God damn unfair… and of course there are the car-pooled or rather the auto pooled auto rickshaws with bags and bottles hanging out of them, with kids sitting on each others laps..all bright and happy, laughing their heart out in that ramshackle coughing rickshaw… If fates been in a rather benevolent mood, you have a maruti omni as your messiah you are lucky enough to reach school with ironed skirts and your canvas shoes still gleaming white, redeeming your pride in school. And ofcourse, you have school kids taking the public DTC buses, wading across a swarm of office goers.. Looking out the window while stuck in yet another of those traffic marmalades , I see kids of construction workers and streetside slums,

 with matted yellowing hair, runny noses chapped lips pooping by the road side and some still fast asleep on that tatterd piece of blanket, while their mothers make themselves busy lighting the make-shift chulhas and the men in the family bathing by the roadside.. And some urchins running around with a stick and a deflated tyre and some with a mongrel tugging at their tattered frocks and pants, happy with the lives they'd been blessed with.
Where have the kids gone wrong to be" deserving such a fate and where have they gone right??'

And will they ever get a chance to correct the wrongs o jr will the wrongs done to them ever be corrected?'
we all are equal atleast in education matter no poor no rich education should be given to every child in our country .its not the government ..its we the citizens of country should take inisatives to make our land most improved literacy rate compared to other other lands..
We all believe in the all powerful and all knowing God, but after looking at these sights i question him too. It is incredulous to say its all in the good karma, when all the mercies and cruelties are here right in front of you. My worries about my singledom make be cringe at my shallowness and how fickle minded I am and continue to be.. How utterly thankless we all are cribbing about things which can be easily done with out.. on that i sign off...

Thursday 18 October 2012

Being Busy ,Ironically ?why take a breath being alone.. ....

Being Alone ...makes us more powerful broadcast our the last post i shared about "for u you're not alone"well ..thanks for all ur feedbacks guys..which makes me feel to share sumthin ..not fully but partically oppsite to last post..don't compare that its a random flowss..okies  alone what makes our life productive.. here we goo just a small thought ....
In our daily lives, we strive to and take pride in being busy. We like to see ourselves multi-tasking and bask in the glory of productivity when someone acknowledges us. We live with other people (whether family or friends), work in teams and do almost everything in groups. Or we always have our mobile phone, some book or movie, or the ever ubiquitous internet with us for company. Staying alone is what we end up thinking as a waste of time.

But man is essentially an individual. He was born alone and will die alone. He does talk and interact with other people in a number of ways but in a very primitive and biological way, man is essentially individual. Sitting alone for some time should not be unsettling or unnerving, like it sometime gets in our lives. In fact, giving some time only for ourselves could be one of the most enriching experiences ever if one tries to do so. And it can solve a lot of our problems. Problems which arise only because of our inability to stay alone with our thoughts.

If one can be content while sitting alone and don’t feel (or act on) the urge of checking what your friends are doing on social media or the urge to go out and shop and eat your favourite burger or pizza, a lot of our problems can just melt away. It can break the chains and bonds of normal life and we will longer need to be constantly busy just to match up with our peers and unnecessary comparison with others. Being busy, ironically, is the place where all our problems and stress arise out of.

If you think man is a social animal and cannot survive individually, think again. Man is not fish, and from time to time, he can (and should) get away from water (daily life). We will not die like fish if we spend some time out of water (alone). In fact, we can cherish our individuality and come back to our daily lives refreshed and replenished. A day spent alone from time to time will reduce the chatter of everyday life. You learn to listen to your thoughts, be aware of the different urges to be busy you will have, and then just let them be. And let me tell you, it is not easy to be alone. It can be very unsettling at first, and you can find many reasons to ‘do‘ something. But don’t let your ‘wanting-to-be-productive’ side deny you of your right to spend some time alone.

After some time, you learn to enjoy the quietness of things. You learn to notice the sounds of the birds chirping and the wind blowing. As the clutter of daily life melts away, you are left just with your inner thoughts. At this time, you will find yourself talking to yourself. It takes time getting used to, and you can always ignore your inner voice, but you must listen to it. Some quietness can leave with you with contentment, a new perspective, and a calmer attitude. In short, it can be amazing.

Solitude also makes us realize that our life is a blank slate with nothing in it, and it is our choice what we really want to paint it with. Our life is not about the tasks and the meetings we have all through the day which look unavoidable, but is about finding ourselves. Staying

alone teaches us to be content with nothing and realizing that we can paint our life canvas the way we want. What would you call a person who is so busy reaching the destination that he never stops his car for refuelling?

Now what would you call the person who is so busy living life that she misses replenishing her own soul? We all need this refueling exercise of staying alone, and then we can take our life’s car wherever we want. So try sitting alone for some time, and just be quiet. Or perhaps take a long walk alone (like I do). Maybe start with small periods of time, and then increase the duration as you feel more comfortable with it.
ps: Just watch your thoughts in solitude but don’t act on them. Just listen, watch and be content. And you will soon realize you never needed anything more!

Wednesday 10 October 2012

For you are not alone…

Just a long post but with full of emotions and I’m sure if u read whoever this is reading out  go with ur full of emotions u will get the soul out of it sit back and enjoy this glimpse of emotions speaks . its all about your “specials”
 “Akele Hum kuch bhi Nai”  Alone we are nothing
among thousands traveler.
five who gave me courage one who gave me shelter,
one man who had faith in me.
one girl whom i loved .
when no one knew me ,even then there were my four friends..
these relationships are what keep me going. they are the ones I talk to. if all get connected only good can come out of it ...!
 reminds me of superstar Srk getting inspired alone we are nothing ..this post is all..The person who motivate/inspires millions of people from all over the world is featured in Airtel Ads with his own life story.the Shahrukh khan Inspirational Ads by Airtel India. SRK is India’s Youth role model from last 2 years beating as poll conducted by Hindustan Times .
Here we goo…just a small poem in is my second foray into the unknown territory, for me that is, of poetry. So please leave your comments and brickbats on how you found the poem:-]

Another day has gone
I’m still all alone
How could this be
You’re not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you’re far away
I am here to stay
But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we’re far apart
You’re always in my heart
But you are not alone
‘Lone, ‘lone
Why, ‘lone
Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you’re far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we’re far apart
You’re always in my heart
For you are not alone
Whisper three words and I’ll come runnin’
And girl you know that I’ll be there
I’ll be there
You are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you’re far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we’re far apart
You’re always in my heart
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you’re far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we’re far apart
You’re always in my heart
For you are not alone…
Ps: my life like my writing has become hackneyed. This one also soon goin to be hackneyed .anyways .who cares…
As we know this life is totally fickle and unpredictable we can’t  been except anything  what next stores  and to assume anything in life it’s a biggest mistakes u doin begin knowing what’s the truth still assuming …why so why we every time  knowing the truth sometimes waits and still our heart and mind differs alwaz I didn’t get .Is its the mechanism of our human body prevails or  our system is been auto handled by that  almighty with demo anti  virus installed  which always we need to update ..!
Will coming to the point dunno what made me fill write but its just a  emotions which been inside and I feel to put this and share with u all..
Everytime we move on , and get motivate our self to move on ..we also know this life is not about  moving alone ,been obvious talking about our fellow buddies of life “the fav”. ..why we humans alwz make choices being honest ,me too why  have any one wondered why only a few from many classmates get closer to u ?
Out of many peoples I mean 7 billions stay in this world I guess rite ..still our heart wants to have her/him with us together  why?
Out of whole places in this world…whole universe why we always we like our only room  and get fill comfortable ?
Out of whole album why only few snaps get longer stare with big smiles whenever we watch it ?Out of so many colors only a few are counted as favourties .
Have anyone wondered ? well  actually its only because  “only few things and people are destined to reach  the string of heart and make life beautiful”..
But have anyone wondered if that beautiful things or beautiful person is out of reach ?sometimes and being busy we must have come across many huddles of life and must have comes nearer to this term “BUSY” so what is it ?
Busy ? Everyone says Life is busy ? Im busy .. and when we are trying to call phone call someone if he/she is busy with someone  the network subscriber  says what –the person you are trying to reach is currently busy with someone ? Aapke jiske saat samparak karna chahte hain woh abhi vistha hai kripya thodi deer baar call kare ..plz try after some time  .
I know how it must be feeling  sometimes when we really want to have a talk and wants the support of that particular person than out of millions in this world ..and  if we have enough patiences we will try to wait but if still after sometime we will again give a “call” talking about being busy.. if its again show busy …then what else we will think the heart will deep into doubtful mode feeling well get shattered ,or that  beautiful person will soon turn into the devil  wrost and bad to us and we will start thinkin every alternatives every thing in a negative way why anger speaks haan yeah it happens  ??????????
Have anyone wondered this ? I felt it its  just becaz that favourite  person just owns ur  priorities more than anyone else in dere life…
Soo Giving more importance and more priorities in life than to u that’s call busy …
Not using brief want to elaborates ;-] …I  know some of buddies after readin to this much might be fellin boredom ohooo c’om  but read it try to get this emotions happens with everyone… in the meantime have some coffee with snacks reloaded ..:-D
Life never seems to be  the way we want it but we live it in the best way we can but what if our best ppl are not with us anymore …this life is not being alone and for your u’re not alone ..well its  not a cycle of one tiers  and one peddle its all about that fav. Person in life out of millions that’s fav . buddies than any other buddies existing in ur life …
Life is all about being connected and to give equal importance’s .
My bottom line is we all know life is busy in all aspects as everyone have there  stories in acted in theres life and being busy is  in there  own self but don’t ignore them by which   there may be a set back due to u I mean associates and partners friends negligence ..if anyone wants u to stay back with u and feels happy to talk with u share dere any secrets any happiness any sad moments give them more importances give them your time there is nothing more important than who wants u for help and who always gave u importances  throughout your life soo baat karoo ..kyunki  Aamir khan said in satyam jayate –baat karne se baat banti hai LOl ha ha ;]
Well jokes apart ppl who aren’t  not getting that a little importance being liking dere fav. Persons a lot this one is dedicated for them and yes thatway the  delay and obstacles in general pursits on them.
At times , a sense of insecurity is been predominant on them only becz of not getting that sweet importance soo my dear friends alwz try to love the dear ones who ever may be from parents to your favorties  in your life ..alwz support them   ..
Life is all about sharing and giving same priorities to each other and if busy then atleast say little busy will be coming to u soon.. and im sure  they well never disturb u in ur mean time..if busy with calls  then  calls them  back  and say Im calling u after sometimes… well this is call understanding  and little small small things makes a huge difference in life and we people says after all what went wrong why we are apart .. Im happy im surrounded by not one favorties many fav who alwz gives me equal support guidance’s how much I do to them  :]
I know its going little filmy don’t be bored well its not so bored than those same daily soaps :)
Statuary warning – Don’t compare this post with my others post this one From an ordinary man with  an ordinary post  . just  a simple thought with little philosophy added mixture of masala emotions  using little bit of being sarcasm;] .:)

Ps: Lastly  There is no perfect life but we can fill with perfect moments by sharing and enjoying our  mutual understandings  ,as life is too ironic to understand it takes noise to Appreciate silence and Absence  to value presence..and when that person won’t be with u that time  we all fell the value of that person ..soo  for your ur not alone .  we all know but  why we don’t get ..may  be that’s life all about :-]

Searching my brighter side

I continue to struggle with my mba preparation... I am in such shit... I am no where, I'll go nowhere... My inadequacies stand shamelessly exposed, and its disgusting I am doing absolute zilch about it all... No placements, no mba, leaving everything behind that I cherished once in life, the end of all endings... absolute no beginnings... ha life will hit a dead end... and I can give all of this in writing... hmmm... and its surprising how I don't want to be mowed down by a hurling truck... When I am being mowed down every moment... I don't think I am upto the cut throat competition... it eats me away... it gnaws at me night and day.. I don't think I was ever up there ever, to say I was plutoed out... this is no new feeling... but I guess it was never this bad... my life like my writing has become hackneyed... And I can't chill like my friends tell me.. like many people might just say right now... and go on with the old adage "jo hota hai acche ke liye hota hai"... dunno if I still believe in it... 
And I guess I'll be staying off blogging for a while... till I really have some bright news to offer.. or I need to rant again... so long...

'Tonight Im tangled in my blanket of clouds
Dreaming aloud
Things just wont do without you, matter of fact
Im on your back, Im on your back, Im on your back

If you walk out on me, Im walking after you'
- Foo fighters "walking after you"

ps: hoping I can get the same spirit going in my life too...