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Friday 19 October 2012

some people born with a silver spoon in their mouth, while some with none at all

this the post is all about my morning saga's the traffic jams and narrating scences sharin with u all  what i had seen while in traffics . this which i want to ask to all friends .. To this I question 'why are some people born with a silver spoon in their mouth, while some with none at all??' all about the rich and poor childrens in streets ..

Life is so unfair... and is always meant to be is one of the ultimate truths of life... other than the 'dust to dust, ashes to ashes' philosophy ofcourse (so what if you have asthama, everybody bites the dust and some just snuff away...)Just the other day, while going to collage, my bus gets stuck in a traffic jam early morning near one of my cities poshes schools (wonder if they have a beckham school too...sorry for the lame attempt at humour).
So like always to me the traffic jam looks like a microcosm, brimming and overflowing with life, with lil' kids in nursery dressed in cute pants and barbie tshirts, colorful hairbands (wonder where have the frilly frocks have gone, with puffy sleeves, gone are the days *sigh*)... With older boisterous boys back slapping each other, the geekier ones looking all so dishevelled and out of breath...and the other kind with a detached lookon their faces nonchalantly ambling into the school gates, the honking and shouting all white noise to their ears.. there are the other classifications too, but let me keep my Linnaeus spirit out of it, and getting down the prettier part of the human race, girls!! The strange thing about girls is that irrespective of their age groups they can all be generalized and yet each one of them continue to hold something so inherently unique in each one of them, so I guess I'll just stick to the generalisation...
The girls come in swinging their pony tails, swaying their mane with the ubiquitous tic tacs cutely adorning their hair with kohl lined eyes, cute pink orange flowery bags with humungous number of keychains hanging, singing jingle bells irrespective of the month, whispering into each others ears, smirking at the dork walking by or the portly nerd of their class. And what is common to all of them is the slam banging of car doors (yup here comes the leftist).. and in the midst of all of the sleek sedans, comes a spluttering scooter with five people completely jam packed, looking like loaves of bread is a severely squashed packet… 

Life’s God damn unfair… and of course there are the car-pooled or rather the auto pooled auto rickshaws with bags and bottles hanging out of them, with kids sitting on each others laps..all bright and happy, laughing their heart out in that ramshackle coughing rickshaw… If fates been in a rather benevolent mood, you have a maruti omni as your messiah you are lucky enough to reach school with ironed skirts and your canvas shoes still gleaming white, redeeming your pride in school. And ofcourse, you have school kids taking the public DTC buses, wading across a swarm of office goers.. Looking out the window while stuck in yet another of those traffic marmalades , I see kids of construction workers and streetside slums,

 with matted yellowing hair, runny noses chapped lips pooping by the road side and some still fast asleep on that tatterd piece of blanket, while their mothers make themselves busy lighting the make-shift chulhas and the men in the family bathing by the roadside.. And some urchins running around with a stick and a deflated tyre and some with a mongrel tugging at their tattered frocks and pants, happy with the lives they'd been blessed with.
Where have the kids gone wrong to be" deserving such a fate and where have they gone right??'

And will they ever get a chance to correct the wrongs o jr will the wrongs done to them ever be corrected?'
we all are equal atleast in education matter no poor no rich education should be given to every child in our country .its not the government ..its we the citizens of country should take inisatives to make our land most improved literacy rate compared to other other lands..
We all believe in the all powerful and all knowing God, but after looking at these sights i question him too. It is incredulous to say its all in the good karma, when all the mercies and cruelties are here right in front of you. My worries about my singledom make be cringe at my shallowness and how fickle minded I am and continue to be.. How utterly thankless we all are cribbing about things which can be easily done with out.. on that i sign off...

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