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Tuesday 4 December 2012

December -The month of Happiness Arrives..:)

December -the coldest season of year ..the month of happiness month of excitment & it Arrives the month of many exceptation and the ravishingly ending to this year end ..which that vl be the end of this mixed excitin year of mine..many experience to share and from red's to blue's   friendship to relationships up to break up everythin..the years last month is been my fav month the eve of Xmass and the new year greetin  wishes and new new feelin of restorin of life again and snow fall the winter ,blankets cold N cough ,room heater The morning Fog the below temp. zero degree.. ohoo i love this winter yeh sardi mein kuch baat hai.. and the journey of new resoultion and new routin again arrives.. what a season..:) 
month of festivals and parties ;)

Some news to share ;) 
supreme court has ordered Indian states to provide adequate night ...
enjoy winter feel the heat !! and All my mates happy winter nite..and .have a frizzin nite ;):P:))

Well, life is been pretty blissful desdays thanks to that Alimghty who had all plans set up to illuminate my life with full of happiness dunno but for a while it seems lyk this..
i love this moment so this made me to come back here and share with u my precious feeling on goin rite now my mind ;)

I’m here to just share my experience with this beautiful feeling in this world every one goes through this similar phase.. it ‘s a  very known factor its clearly senses about the past relation of my to the very  Precious feelings in this world. Its love . :-] And we may have our definition of defining this feeling in our own way of styles and thought for people to people in every person have very perceptions for this great feeling .for me love is emotion its not choice whether to be with be fallen in love or to stay together its just comes naturally ..well everyone  fall in love in this world every one goes through the same tunnel.
There is no exact time no exact place no exact situation in which we can clearly say I want have love in my life and to that person.. as there is saying love happens automatically and how we fallen for that person we never know before we releasing and started asking stupid question to ourselves Are we in love ? :-]
Love ?..when in love everything begin to look beautiful ,every dreams seems to comes true
Every goal change direction and even the wind changes it of course …:] eyes search for color’s
Ha ha and even Red starts to look nice Every moment every time always there is only one name in the lips..(I guess someone is smiling now ). And when  feeling   deep for each other both of them are in other world. Anyways and after it all goes everything U  go in different way .
 she acknowledges my qualities, she has seen me at my worst. she completes me. It is almost impossible for me to imagine life without her. she tolerates all my moods, consoles me when I need sympathy. We can gossip for hours tirelessly. I love our midnight conversations. We discuss crushes, hopes, friends, fights, relationships. she knows when to offer advice and when to let me be on my own. Some way or the other, she is always right. I adore her. We rarely have fights or arguments. Neither is she perfect nor I, but together, we are beyond compare.

And people think we're together. They think we are in love. I wish these people are lucky enough to experience such a bond atleast once in their lifetime. If this happens, they would know how this friendship is much more special than any love affair. I am in Love but not with her. I am in Love with our friendship, in love with that special feeling of togetherness, in love with this magnetic bond.

Friendship isn't a scheme with 'Conditions Apply' starred over it. It never comes with a set of rules and regulations. There are no restrictions on the basis of gender, status or apperance. Like love, Friendship just happens. You can almost instantly connect with a new found friend if you are compatible. And if not, you will find yourself at the starting point, even after years. A Girl and Guy's friendship is unique, in its own way. There are no tantrums, no breakups and no patchups. There is no jealousy or insecurity involved. she makes you feel great about yourself all the time.

You love her, in a way that no words can describe.  . One moment you're sad, and the next instant you are laughing your ass off, thanks to her. Relationships may come and go, but you know she'll be there for you, always, an immovable pillar of strength. Someone in whom your faith is so firm that it defeats the strongest of adversities.
' Sometimes all a girl needs, is a guy best friend '.
being a MAn i can feel it for her ;)

ps: There is no question of quitin out from   this beautiful relation will make her safe and just want to care her ...
You're the hot to my chocolate, the grass to my ground, the cone to my ice cream. You're the petal to my rose and most of all you're the Best to my friend..dedicated.. to my very own.. #Dhana..

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