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Wednesday 19 December 2012

The sigh Of Relief..

Before share..!!
 I would like to wish …who ever is readin this..
Wishing Everyone A Merry Christmas…  AND HAPPY HAPPY  HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 (twenty Thirteen)ohoo finally the end of millennium   sequences ends …
And finally the 2012 End of world rumor ..After 2 days goin to be  a comedy ..Feel free to laugh out loud..and just have a party time.. masti majak .. khusi ke din aayooo re ..something to cheer up  as last weeks of this Month Arrives.. I thing I would like to party from 20th onwards cheers....:)And when 2013 will starts i would like to ask mAayian Calenders .wala ko Arre how come we are alive now  anyways.
.comin to the point..;)
December been a fantastic month of me always and it continues to be …the happiness begins. As  the Sigh of Relief finally the God forsaken Exams Ends. With a Happy note but being feels Sad..  College is slowly coming to an end... Everything cherished is going to go far to make way for new... probably material pursuits will replace them... take the intangible place but if only they'd satisfy me... If only i'd not miss the people who form part of my life now...

Sometimes going away looks like the best placebo I could have asked for... But sometimes the wish to stick up a lil longer... To not let people go away from me this early on... Living a life without them... When they'd not be a message or a call away... When the light in the lighthouse would go out where everything that was for me to call my own will have to be given up on... Sometimes you question why wishes are granted if only you have to make it to be a beautiful dream with the worst hang over... Life will go on... dunno if it'll be as beautiful as it is now... I so want to make the most of my last semester memorable. ..

And I guess I'd want to continue with the wild cat streak of the past week for quite sometime, it just feels good to let go of control finally, the guilt conscience of overdoing the truant act is long gone... Remember I will be ;)taking a straight 12 hours sleep the day my end sems ended now , and  will be waking up to a heavy head... I will feel groggy if i sleep too much. and I have to be  heavily hogging... Unbridled binging (see the superlatives used) all when I plan to loose that muffin top... Don't know if the sacrifice is worth the results I'd get... But hell I want to loose that flab... Life's been blissful of late. *touch wood*... Will definitely increase my virtual presence. And better poetry definitely. And More books... Reiteration helps as long as it is self-inflicted :) 
Well life no longer inspires me... the dreary no news sorts posts the effect... Life's the usual... Dunno if i want things out of the blue or out of the seems colorful rite now..:)

Definitely I am not made to crack any of the entrances this time around, screwed my last entrance real bad... My end sems are going like any final year exams should be going... My pathetic performance makes me smile... The tension before the exam and the absolute lackadaisical attitude to the mess created in those three hours don't make me go "OUCH" or make me clean up in the one that follows next... The randomly generated marks of last semesters whether I've done well or not makes me atleast self assured I'd be lieing in a particular percentage bracket... The subjects have never inspired me... No wonder my interviewer noticed my dry responses on what got me to engineering...  Sigh... I really want some time out for myself... Read a lot... read my kinda stuff... Enjoy a good coffee break without the hurry to go back to studying... Enjoy staring into the blue sky for hours on end... That reminds me Nescafe's up in college... Woohoo... And as my friends tells me they have brownie... Although I was kinda hoping on the chocolate chip muffins... And then you know life can be beautiful if only for that bit one melting chocolate in the warm muffin...and good company can drive the blues away...

Ps :But life will be life... unpredictable and fickle as ever.but I love this season of happiness in my life ..just hoping it continues in everyone’s life …being happy in life is mostly matters ..:)
high i sign up...Happy New year all…2013 hum chale..cya at naaya subh kaamnaye ki saat..:)

Tuesday 4 December 2012

December -The month of Happiness Arrives..:)

December -the coldest season of year ..the month of happiness month of excitment & it Arrives the month of many exceptation and the ravishingly ending to this year end ..which that vl be the end of this mixed excitin year of mine..many experience to share and from red's to blue's   friendship to relationships up to break up everythin..the years last month is been my fav month the eve of Xmass and the new year greetin  wishes and new new feelin of restorin of life again and snow fall the winter ,blankets cold N cough ,room heater The morning Fog the below temp. zero degree.. ohoo i love this winter yeh sardi mein kuch baat hai.. and the journey of new resoultion and new routin again arrives.. what a season..:) 
month of festivals and parties ;)

Some news to share ;) 
supreme court has ordered Indian states to provide adequate night ...
enjoy winter feel the heat !! and All my mates happy winter nite..and .have a frizzin nite ;):P:))

Well, life is been pretty blissful desdays thanks to that Alimghty who had all plans set up to illuminate my life with full of happiness dunno but for a while it seems lyk this..
i love this moment so this made me to come back here and share with u my precious feeling on goin rite now my mind ;)

I’m here to just share my experience with this beautiful feeling in this world every one goes through this similar phase.. it ‘s a  very known factor its clearly senses about the past relation of my to the very  Precious feelings in this world. Its love . :-] And we may have our definition of defining this feeling in our own way of styles and thought for people to people in every person have very perceptions for this great feeling .for me love is emotion its not choice whether to be with be fallen in love or to stay together its just comes naturally ..well everyone  fall in love in this world every one goes through the same tunnel.
There is no exact time no exact place no exact situation in which we can clearly say I want have love in my life and to that person.. as there is saying love happens automatically and how we fallen for that person we never know before we releasing and started asking stupid question to ourselves Are we in love ? :-]
Love ?..when in love everything begin to look beautiful ,every dreams seems to comes true
Every goal change direction and even the wind changes it of course …:] eyes search for color’s
Ha ha and even Red starts to look nice Every moment every time always there is only one name in the lips..(I guess someone is smiling now ). And when  feeling   deep for each other both of them are in other world. Anyways and after it all goes everything U  go in different way .
 she acknowledges my qualities, she has seen me at my worst. she completes me. It is almost impossible for me to imagine life without her. she tolerates all my moods, consoles me when I need sympathy. We can gossip for hours tirelessly. I love our midnight conversations. We discuss crushes, hopes, friends, fights, relationships. she knows when to offer advice and when to let me be on my own. Some way or the other, she is always right. I adore her. We rarely have fights or arguments. Neither is she perfect nor I, but together, we are beyond compare.

And people think we're together. They think we are in love. I wish these people are lucky enough to experience such a bond atleast once in their lifetime. If this happens, they would know how this friendship is much more special than any love affair. I am in Love but not with her. I am in Love with our friendship, in love with that special feeling of togetherness, in love with this magnetic bond.

Friendship isn't a scheme with 'Conditions Apply' starred over it. It never comes with a set of rules and regulations. There are no restrictions on the basis of gender, status or apperance. Like love, Friendship just happens. You can almost instantly connect with a new found friend if you are compatible. And if not, you will find yourself at the starting point, even after years. A Girl and Guy's friendship is unique, in its own way. There are no tantrums, no breakups and no patchups. There is no jealousy or insecurity involved. she makes you feel great about yourself all the time.

You love her, in a way that no words can describe.  . One moment you're sad, and the next instant you are laughing your ass off, thanks to her. Relationships may come and go, but you know she'll be there for you, always, an immovable pillar of strength. Someone in whom your faith is so firm that it defeats the strongest of adversities.
' Sometimes all a girl needs, is a guy best friend '.
being a MAn i can feel it for her ;)

ps: There is no question of quitin out from   this beautiful relation will make her safe and just want to care her ...
You're the hot to my chocolate, the grass to my ground, the cone to my ice cream. You're the petal to my rose and most of all you're the Best to my friend..dedicated.. to my very own.. #Dhana..

Sunday 25 November 2012

An "Unpleasant Feeling"-Pain

 Unpleasant Feelin...

I felt a stab of pain in my chest when left everyone. I thought it was chest “congestion “,But No amount of ginger juice could make my pain go away .It still there ..Aadrak ka kaaada bhi piaa per woh Dard Nai gaya.. Aab bhi hai..”
There is a saying Too much attachment too much acceptance too much expectation will surly gives us one thing that’s “Pain”  

If we define “PAIN” - Pain is a feeling triggered in the nervous system. Pain may be sharp or dull. It may come and go, or it may be constant. You may feel pain in one area of your body, such as your back, abdomen or chest or you may feel pain all over, such as when your muscles ache from the flu. According to the concept of physiological pain "how much we hurt as a human being. It is mental suffering; mental torment. But can’t get why ..can’t we go through this life .. my take Life is kooky.. life is kinky... and kicks the shit outta you, I realised...."  but how if the pain will be there how can we go through its very easy to take it lite and have chilling and peaceful life but in reality when life gives U Damn..U can’t do anything rather than healin this sentimentalism..

But if we  talk about our emotional pain and see if we can find a way to get through it. I do’t get it why we suffer  Some people cope with emotional pain by becoming withdrawn, depressed or sullen. Others present their emotional pain outwardly by becoming louder or more extraverted. Some cope by talking, over eating, fasting, drinking, self-harming, becoming violent or over-working and yet others cope by seeking attention or affection.  No matter what you are going through, or what coping mechanism you are employing, you can be sure that someone else has already been through it before you and found a solution. Your solution is out there. I guess will  find it together afterwards may be one some other post.!.
 “One word
Frees us of all the weight and pain of life:
That word is love.”
― sophocles .. this pain has no solution perhaps being confuesed..and the biggest hatin point of my life is being in these called Love..Anyways..

So here Im in Btw my life ..I don't think political correctness to be the best thing to squirm yourself out of a confrontation and of course letting your dear gf 'momming' or good friend  you around such a good idea. I mean I know most people have their best interests in mind, but please I like some time out of my own. I don't always like to have a fake smile just so that you don't ask what was the reason for the lack of dental display. I like being sad when there is nobody to ask me the reason for it. I have my own messed up head to handle can u please move away from the muck. Probably i am a loner in the garb of being this jabber wok. No matter how much you try to cheer me up, its only when i choose to be happy that I become one. I dissect and dissect and read in between lines, go so much in to the details, the most off hand of statements are as acerbic as they can get. Sigh.

And you know, always doing the right thing does not mean life will spare you its screw up. Life is a whore, it belly dances to your God-forsaken luck. And expects you to enjoy it like a connoisseur, hold your drinks up and savour every moment of it.

Been lazying around the entire weekend, been on facebook for almost 24X7, but am usually offline. Sifting through random pics, its such a bad idea. Listening to songs my lil sis recommends, she's come a long way since 'Rowdy Rathore'. Infact I did not have such refined tastes back when i was her age. But the songs are such a welcome. so life's been pretty much the same. Meeting a dear friend of mine today.
Ps : Hoping it I will make myself cheers me “”expressing” myself more in everything than to be a silent Roger..! All i can say Want the immortal feeling of being #Peace in life.. #cheers all cyaoo..

"I should've been chasing you
I should've been trying to prove
That you were all that mattered to me

I should've said all the things
That I kept inside of me
Maybe I could've made you believe
That what we had was all we'd ever need"

 - Lady Antebellum "all we'd ever need"

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Here comes the Diwali Timess.....-:)

Before i start i my wish to all ...:)
Dear all who ever is readin to post, Wish u and your family a very happy diwali & prosperous new year. May God fulfill all your wishes in wealth, health & happiness in your life.
May lights triumph over darkness.
May peace transcend the earth.
May the spirit of light illuminate the world.
more vivid more colors to everyones life..Hey god please..bless us.

my luck... and my God-forsaken life... Ohhoo what a relief now my god forsaken mid sem is over now.Just before the Diwali .The fragrance of sweets already fills the air the vibe i'm gettin.. Very soon pretty boxes packed with laddoos, barfis and the choicest delicacies will start piling up at homes. Diwali, after all, is incomplete without sweets.As we know Diwali or ‘festival of lights’ is a grand festival, celebrated by every Indians all over the globe. Apart from wearing new clothes and decorating ones home, people send Diwali gifts to their loved ones to mark the festival momentous wishes everyone a properous and may god lighten everyone life with full of colors and happiness with something to cheer at the end of 2012 ..and to me tooo..:)
good to see the happy faces and smiles that reflects on my buddies faces..

But then  I bounce back again in my life , coz life leaves you with no other option but to trudge along even if it means that your sole wears out in the long run up to the coveted life that we all dream off... Such is life they say... where the dissatisfaction and the disgruntlement keeps you going and at times just takes a toll... marks they say are small things but are they not the statistics that dictate the terms of your life momentarily... probably i am a 'marks-starved' kid... and these things definetly do get me worked up... especially when I see myself being treated as a lesser mortal, all for no fault... Good sense is conspicuous by its absence... and depression way too ominous...

Sometimes you do wish to become oblivious to certain things of your life, pull the blinds to certain aspects but you cling on to what hurts you the most... the sadist and the cynic laugh out loud... things go bad once and you start picking on old wounds again, forgetting that you'l still carry the scar... and everything bleeds and singes... I do at times forget all that holds me down in my life, and prepare to fly only to remember that I need the earth too... Probably right now I sound all mixed up and dont make sense... but that is how muddled up i am... A precarious case of nerves, who lives on the extremes and still looks for ambivalence...
ANYWAYS ..and i'd better start studying OF UPCOMIN placement on drives...thermo of all....made me insomniac once again....just hoping i do well....till then chao....
College has in many ways made me a whole lot wiser in terms of dealing with people and taught me there's no place for a simpleton in this world....i could actually write a whole book on the lessons learnt in college....will do that later....but College is slowly coming to an end... Everything cherished is going to go far to make way for new... probably material pursuits will replace them... take the intangible place but if only they'd satisfy me... If only i'd not miss the people who form part of my life now...thanks for everything if i exist or not that i dunno guys but whenever u vl able to miss me just read my blog post.."Hum rahe ya na rahe per humara good wishes "humesha rahega aap sab dosto ke saat..dunno what life will come next but this the part of life i want to enjoy again and again with u mates..where the endless and seamless story goes on and on the endless nites.caffeine addiction,gargantuan syllabus and laughs the "HIGH FIVEs "the guitars the masti's  ..somosaas.. Dk bose ;] gaaliyaa won't be dere after this year ends..
koi baat  nai end bhala tha sab bhala..i we'd be just caught adjusting to the vicissitudes of my life..i want this time to stop, stop forever... for all my petty quibbles about college life, it has given me a lot and it'l all end... and memories are all that'l be left... but .

PS:Life is journey  we have to goo and on on and on..thats way zindgayi ek safar hai :)  kyunki dosto ke bina no Zindgayi..:)
enjoy the next weekend with
"Jab tak hai jaan" and sky fall ek saat cheers :)

Friday 19 October 2012

some people born with a silver spoon in their mouth, while some with none at all

this the post is all about my morning saga's the traffic jams and narrating scences sharin with u all  what i had seen while in traffics . this which i want to ask to all friends .. To this I question 'why are some people born with a silver spoon in their mouth, while some with none at all??' all about the rich and poor childrens in streets ..

Life is so unfair... and is always meant to be is one of the ultimate truths of life... other than the 'dust to dust, ashes to ashes' philosophy ofcourse (so what if you have asthama, everybody bites the dust and some just snuff away...)Just the other day, while going to collage, my bus gets stuck in a traffic jam early morning near one of my cities poshes schools (wonder if they have a beckham school too...sorry for the lame attempt at humour).
So like always to me the traffic jam looks like a microcosm, brimming and overflowing with life, with lil' kids in nursery dressed in cute pants and barbie tshirts, colorful hairbands (wonder where have the frilly frocks have gone, with puffy sleeves, gone are the days *sigh*)... With older boisterous boys back slapping each other, the geekier ones looking all so dishevelled and out of breath...and the other kind with a detached lookon their faces nonchalantly ambling into the school gates, the honking and shouting all white noise to their ears.. there are the other classifications too, but let me keep my Linnaeus spirit out of it, and getting down the prettier part of the human race, girls!! The strange thing about girls is that irrespective of their age groups they can all be generalized and yet each one of them continue to hold something so inherently unique in each one of them, so I guess I'll just stick to the generalisation...
The girls come in swinging their pony tails, swaying their mane with the ubiquitous tic tacs cutely adorning their hair with kohl lined eyes, cute pink orange flowery bags with humungous number of keychains hanging, singing jingle bells irrespective of the month, whispering into each others ears, smirking at the dork walking by or the portly nerd of their class. And what is common to all of them is the slam banging of car doors (yup here comes the leftist).. and in the midst of all of the sleek sedans, comes a spluttering scooter with five people completely jam packed, looking like loaves of bread is a severely squashed packet… 

Life’s God damn unfair… and of course there are the car-pooled or rather the auto pooled auto rickshaws with bags and bottles hanging out of them, with kids sitting on each others laps..all bright and happy, laughing their heart out in that ramshackle coughing rickshaw… If fates been in a rather benevolent mood, you have a maruti omni as your messiah you are lucky enough to reach school with ironed skirts and your canvas shoes still gleaming white, redeeming your pride in school. And ofcourse, you have school kids taking the public DTC buses, wading across a swarm of office goers.. Looking out the window while stuck in yet another of those traffic marmalades , I see kids of construction workers and streetside slums,

 with matted yellowing hair, runny noses chapped lips pooping by the road side and some still fast asleep on that tatterd piece of blanket, while their mothers make themselves busy lighting the make-shift chulhas and the men in the family bathing by the roadside.. And some urchins running around with a stick and a deflated tyre and some with a mongrel tugging at their tattered frocks and pants, happy with the lives they'd been blessed with.
Where have the kids gone wrong to be" deserving such a fate and where have they gone right??'

And will they ever get a chance to correct the wrongs o jr will the wrongs done to them ever be corrected?'
we all are equal atleast in education matter no poor no rich education should be given to every child in our country .its not the government ..its we the citizens of country should take inisatives to make our land most improved literacy rate compared to other other lands..
We all believe in the all powerful and all knowing God, but after looking at these sights i question him too. It is incredulous to say its all in the good karma, when all the mercies and cruelties are here right in front of you. My worries about my singledom make be cringe at my shallowness and how fickle minded I am and continue to be.. How utterly thankless we all are cribbing about things which can be easily done with out.. on that i sign off...