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Sunday 29 January 2012

Agneepath verdict ..:)

Sooo last  night had good sleep but in the end had a short nap as I wake up this morning  very early according  to  mine..Sunday’s regular get up timing table . actually had gone to bed late almost 4am of nite as like another night lying awake, asking to myself..dear sleep where r u? can i see u tonight huh?Asking  like an idiot to myself..but awaken at the most unearthly hours of the night..its a real super class experience I tell u guys its gud time becaz its so relaxing hour so calm midnite time is real meant for a sound sleeps or to pass your time in some important work..if we use that time in morely in consumptive way then stayin awaken is is worth majesties experience   as I was feelin bore soo thought to write something as  my last post yesterday only I posted..and just tryied to read some of the lesson of my computer network subj. as to  pass that boringness being alone.. and to make me feel good as I’m using this time in Morley in a  wise way as this a formality reading at  waking up at the most unearthly hours of the night... and opening my vocab funda book only to open it just to make me fill relax atleast I’m doing some effort for this sem ..that will built of confidence in more upcoming unearthly hours of the night J
 Soo coming to today its was Sunday  a beautiful day morning sun is shining and gentle breeze..typical morning at his best again.what I really about I was up and had nice cup coffee for me..then after an hour planned how to spend my Sunday soo thought of to goo some movies or anywhere just to have chillout and to pass this Sunday…finally made up my mind to have a movie either in matinee show or evenin show…
Its in my last post I had mentioned about I’m looking to this high class hard hitting  ,dwells on strong emotions and aggressive and forceful action as I was a fan of that of that “vijay chachan” iconic character portrayed by sri.Amitabh Bachchan two decades ago.
Which is still fresh in everyone mind..for his tedious acting skill he also received National award for that charcter also..soo I was quit excited how Hrithik Roshan's turn to wear the mask of that iconic character …as I’m movieholic person soo..gone to cinema hall with lots of exceptation and with more excitement..guess what I’m not disappointed this time !!:)
Oohoooo from the beginning to end and after being out of cinema hall also  I was in a state of shock..How beautifully hritik acted it was mindblowing stuff.. He does not emulate the veteran's portrayal of Vijay Dinanath Chauhan. Instead, he approaches the character in his own distinctive mode. Wow HIGH FIVE for  hirtik J
'Agneepath' is an uncomplicated story of revenge, is hard-hitting yet I found its such more entertaining, dwells on strong emotions and aggressive and forceful action, and yet is dissimilar from the original. The most popular dialogues of all time in bollywood.. yet again I able to see by this time from a new vijay J
"Naam Vijay Chauhan, baap ka naam Dinanath Chauhan, gaon Mandwa."
Ooohoo The action scenes are sure to draw my whistles and claps especially the one in the finale he was taking his revenge  kaachaa sanju baba surly lukin like a evil actually this negative roll  suits him…yet truly a maestros performance by this veteran star after munna bhai series..this can be yet another defining moment for his carrer…

Agneepath its a classic and a must watch... The adaptation of modern day milieu into an old iconic story has been beautifully rendered... the music just adds to the beauty... each song is so different from the according to story line its all suits …mostly I loved the background music and the entry of Kanchaa sanju baba..hmmm I was kinda toying with the idea of singing “chickni chamali” song for my fest this time... But i know the chicken would get the better of me... so much for my dreams...;) 
I am so hoping the languor continues cheers..:)
January goin to end.. hopefully everyone should had a gud month as its just de starter beginning of new year 2012 and lots to come..hope everyone should had a good month ..
Wishing this coming feburary will also  brings lots of peace and happiness in each and everyone life and all get success and me too cheers..
Once again Wishing everybody a Very Happy Valentines!! :)
Ps: need to go get to studying real soon… and to be more practical and do my work in time and complete my lesson’s and then enjoy my life as they've been the most beautiful days of my life the last three days... the usually ephemeral state of affairs in my life..hopefully this happiness carryon and at the same time I should give more attention’s towards my studies and work really hard for this sem..!cya :)

Saturday 28 January 2012

Happy valentine day to all :)

So was a beautiful day... The sun's all bright and shiny and warm... Just the way I love it... Had ma's wonderful upma and mornin breakfast..!
Have today's newspaper to sieve through and most importantly the edit and the Leo predictions... Its a different thing I forget all the sooth saying the minute after I've read it... According to the predictions I was to happy a beautifully romantic year ahead...and this february Where I'll meet my soul mate... what a crap?

will you be my valentine?
you'd always be the one for me...<3

When its a lonely valentine that I am looking forward to... 3 hours of labs 2 hours of lecture 2 hour of coaching and then back home... life is so strangely mundane and predictive...
Probably my coachin teacher might just brighten up my mood... Haha Mr Sunshine's all gone...and here comes the Bard himself... He's the best teacher I've come across in a really long time...  His sense of humour, the style of teaching, the generous dose of one liners... his sing song way of talking and explaining prepositions... Its like seeing art at work... I could go ga ga goo goo over him... But strangely micey's conclusion from all of it is "our teacher's in love"... 

The whole world seems to be in love except me... I don't know what is to be like in love... I have seen such extremes... Don't know what it takes to be in love? Love in itself is too strong a word... For me to say I love a certain person would be too big a thing to declare... hate for the same reason is too strong an emotion... and sometimes you imagine a lot of these emotions... You believe you love him/her... but sometimes the whole gravity of the situation pulls you down and gives you a rude reality check... and sometimes love becomes as perfunctory as brushing your teeth... I know for some its a ritual brushing teeth that is... my sis spends a good half an hour giving her pearly whites a foam bath... If she had her way she would have had a jacuzzi fitted in... 
So coming back to the love thing... I have always been "the forever the good friend never the girl friend" types... And sometimes although it is gratifying it does get frustrating... I mean people come and bitch about their gf about how she wasn't there when he really needed her and all that crap... and shirk away from the girl who was always does kinda get to you... But then you realise if a person could not connect with you then he could never possibly have... you forge ever lasting relationships during the trying times... if you don't bond then you never will... Anyway probably all of this used to make a difference to me now it doesn't... The person on the other end should also be worth it all?? I am happy I wrenched him out of life... Its like removing a vestigial organ... (Chetan Bhagat inspired philosophy)... But life's come full circle... I stand at crossroads again... And hoping I will take the right decisions... I don't want any of the love crap... I was once upon a time a true blue romantic not anymore... Life's given me enough reasons to stir clear of it all...
soo before the starts of  feb month..before the starts of valentines week ..wishin all very happy committed couples young folks and troops..&
Wishing everybody a Very Happy Valentines!! :)
in advance kya pata "Kal hoo na hoo " :)

ps: looking forward to work hard for this semester.
pps:looking forward to Agnipath -movie  startin with superhero hritik ,indian KANE -sanju baba, jungli bili-priyanka..;)and ofcourse chikini chamali -KAT ;)
ppps: need to go get to studying real soon... And I seem to be waking up at the most unearthly hours of the night... and opening my vocab funda book only to open it and crash again... but i need to get down to studying before its too late...

Tuesday 10 January 2012

life is changin And i'm too :)

I guess I am back... but not full throttle... really really tired.. 1 weeks by taking bed rest yak..sleepin in one bed ... absolutely eventful  task of 1  weeks... tried bhang felt soo lazy but any how now my harmstring injury is full recovered I can able to walk and guess what can jump too ... somewhere down i just did want to busy  wana to  feel like studying  want to feel the heat heat of collage its been a while I’m missing my collage really bad yaaro don’t know its enough now .. holidays c’om it’s the session starts. Its boring now sitting at home but . Life was beautiful lately..probably a lil into the last week... but the joyride ends like it always has to... I guess I just want to do nothing at all for quite sometime now, at least let things be the way they are... Don't want to clear up the mess.. because I see beneath it all... I know where all of it is headed... Just sick of the fact that why can't things be for the keeps atleast till I've had the most of it... instead of it being snatched away, when you've not even given it a chance to grown on you... I don't know what works keeping expectations or asking for none of it... because you know when things do work out when you least expect them to.. and then when you attach yourself too much its all gone with the wind like it was never there.. like it was never meant to be... really sorry that I am back to my ranting self again... but I do hope to have the sunny side up real soon :)...

Today I was waiting for my lil sis outside her school (which happened to be my school as well) I realised how i had changed so much in these three years... I am still the damp squib around... the old hag... but back in school I was at my best with whatever I did... least bothered about relationship issues or about any sartorial issues... studies and my friends was all that made my world go around... being my crazzy self... laughing my guts out... being respected for whichever way I chose to be... But come college... its become so cumbersome... it gets to me... the run for marks, the tension about placements, , GRADE the works... school had the board tensions... but this is nothing like it... I so sometimes start hating college life... the enjoyment quotient is high but somewhere down I don't think I have forged any ever lasting friendships here... it just doesn't go through... I find myself so incapable of accepting flaws.. accepting the layers... not like I am any saint either... I am probably the biggest bitch around... but college is not such a smooth sail through... school was so insouciant... nothing like it is now... and I wish to go back to school... my vems school days.. the morning assemblies... the moral science lessons.. the game period the staurday activtity day ,house match ,. the parents day practices the chemistry the maths the history everything... the good morning sir... good morning maam... its been long since i wished any of my profs in college... very few even call for that kinda respect... like everything  else... it just does not go through... and i am so tired of my long holidays now wana go back to collage atleast  its oki no more school in life but I wish I could have rewind my life few days of my holidays . i want to stay back home and relax... but like always time seems to be running out...
ps: I am just raging for now... hopefully will cool down in a while... But for now life is changin & i'm too...!

Thursday 5 January 2012

its been a quite a gud morning..!:)

Its two days into holidays and I am enjoying the procrastination to say the least. Thankfully I am finally getting back to my book worm self, bought two books the other day 'the unbearable lightness of being' by Milan Kundera and  sachin garg-it's First Love! just lilke the last one.. will  whenever he writes he write with his  long lasting thought. All I can ..from last nite I have readin it’s a nice book.

In his novel 'I'm Not Twenty Four', released in 2010, he has written an unusual story of a Delhi girl who landed in a small village in the middle of nowhere.. although i havn't read  that book  but heard lot about that books from my friends..he is very gud writer.....

  And now comes my fav. Nikita Singh .the author for young mass ppl  reading now "Accidentally In Love" its awsum one must say.. thanks to" niki"  who uses her thought soo well.. i think i'm in love with her writin skills..when I first read her “love @ facebook” I had first got impression she is going to make an impact among all reader’s out here hmm truly I love her writin.skills .and who can ignore her beauty well she is very beautiful likes her blogs  so much  ;)
She is been an inspiration to many blogger out here.. in her last blog she wrote a line i can alwz remember will she wrote and i can't stop smile this " It can be Ankita, right? Or Niharika. Nivedita. What’s so special about Nikita?! well i can say.. dere are many nikita but dere  sumthng  special in nikita "singh" that way mr.R wrote about u in his book i guess nikita knws it preety well. ,she is very a humble persun I can readin her blogs I realized her heart is that much cute as she luk..hmm if anyone could ask me to give best author of today’s young generation then I would blindly give to “nikita singh”  .:)
Although the two books weren't really required to be bought because I already have a   back log but does that ever stop anybody from laying your hands on new books.umm L Also I really need to start reading the edits of newspapers, this self inflicted deprivation has only added to my ignorance. And I have finally started to get hold of philosophy which was so beyond me at some point in time. And from whatever lil I have read of it some of the theories definitely appear outrageous to me, whoever thought that woman was a castrated male and therefore should be given the position lower than man and her virtue of compassion was in fact her weakness. First up I find such views absolutely preposterous and when confronted with them I just try to not meet eyes with it. That is how I have been, when I find something really disgusting or gory I just run away from it, so much so even when in movies a gory scene comes in I just close my eyes, gore and blood is not me…..
Morning is been gud so far.. wake up early today.. had a nice breakfast too omelet and roti.. and some snacks.. Now listening to Indian rocks music. Indian rock band Aagman –teri kami hmm  And Shafqat Amanat Ali - Tum Mile (Rock ) :)

Wishing every one a happy weekend..& spend  nice time with your family and friends.. go to beach and enjoy the new year 1st weekend cheers mates .
Ps : But life will be life... unpredictable and fickle as ever... and we'd be just caught adjusting to the vicissitude…enjoy every moment and never fell bore sumthng which u enjoys doin ..and I beat u that not call the waste of time. Soo cheers.. *whistle*  !!

Wednesday 4 January 2012

New year 1st week !!

finally unhold 2011 passed away.. its 2012 and its 1st week of month quite a blissful way..
Life is been good.since last months...but at this moment, life is amazing for me.. enjoyin my rest hour's :) although sufferin from harmstring injury but who don't wana enjoy this rest hour ;)
seriously i mean I have honestly forgotten how to study, it's been SO long. What to do? Where do I start from help mates.. no classes no collage hour's  bore lag raha hai.. :-/
last 3 days..boring..Been lazying around this week, been on face book for almost 24X7, but am usually offline. Sifting through random pics,same  .
just going from my friends profile to their friends profile and looking at those happy pics they put them, read their notes about me's, some of which do actually turn out to be very beautifully written. What else... Having nothing to do the entire  feels gud
i'm quite bored watchin all hollywood's movies.. soo thought to watch some hindi movies which will makes me giggles on my face..;))
last year its been a gud year for indian movies some movies gone oversea's blockblaster while some of them.. got critically critics
watchin on 1st of jan "the dirty picture" well dere lot of talks for these particular movie soo  quite intrested to see and had got a ratin point  of 4/5 that amazin.."kuch baat hoga.". and some of friends verdicts was horrifyin and amazin..quite a mixed.reaction.. so i'm quite intrested to see .
" Dirty Picture" is set against the colorful and entertaining backdrop of the South film industry .
 Indian biographical film based on the life of Silk Smitha, an actress noted for her erotic roles .

To begin with this is the most unsual movie or should I say the wierdest movie I have ever seen....But having said that it does not mean have its own share of good fact it comes loaded or rather is overflowing with it "Naseeruddin Shah" is at his best like always...he is one actor who never fails you. i mean i love watchin his acts..what a can always expect something new coming out of him, he enacts each nuance of the character he potrays to perfection. Each and every actor is at his best wether it is Tushar kapor, or Emraan Hasmi  ....The movie comes with its own share of glitches though, like has been made way too "Silk" and the superheroine  ceneter stage.. well many said she had Ridicule her sense of fashion..! Giggle at her weight gain..! But you never can ignore her  vidya balan    The other word is Resolve.
was simply uncallled for and at times the humour element is overplayed.... And well the moral of the movie is "each and everyone of us come with our own share of problems and we need to learn that life is not all milk and roses for others like I said everbody has their own fair share of problems. And therefore life is all about getting over its ups and downs and rising up from all its trials and tribulations and playing along with what it has to offer." And I guess if we didn't have problems life wouldn't be as fun and would rather be all bland and tasteless..

My advice watch this movie for shear fun and nothing else coz its not at all those artsy types but it sure is value for money. And the best part is that grim and sombre element is sublime all through out the movie and therefore does'nt make you wail out in the movie hall gosh it gets embarassing at times. And ya the songs are great....therefore don't act as a show stopper rather they are the show stealer... 
my verdict  -Dialogues, performances and music; every element of Ekta Kapoor’s latest flick The Dirty Picture is worth whistling for. A well written story and bombaat Vidya’s outstanding act make it a perfect entertainer .in  my take its the best movie of the year .
 ps:just warming up my writing skills :)