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Saturday 28 January 2012

Happy valentine day to all :)

So was a beautiful day... The sun's all bright and shiny and warm... Just the way I love it... Had ma's wonderful upma and mornin breakfast..!
Have today's newspaper to sieve through and most importantly the edit and the Leo predictions... Its a different thing I forget all the sooth saying the minute after I've read it... According to the predictions I was to happy a beautifully romantic year ahead...and this february Where I'll meet my soul mate... what a crap?

will you be my valentine?
you'd always be the one for me...<3

When its a lonely valentine that I am looking forward to... 3 hours of labs 2 hours of lecture 2 hour of coaching and then back home... life is so strangely mundane and predictive...
Probably my coachin teacher might just brighten up my mood... Haha Mr Sunshine's all gone...and here comes the Bard himself... He's the best teacher I've come across in a really long time...  His sense of humour, the style of teaching, the generous dose of one liners... his sing song way of talking and explaining prepositions... Its like seeing art at work... I could go ga ga goo goo over him... But strangely micey's conclusion from all of it is "our teacher's in love"... 

The whole world seems to be in love except me... I don't know what is to be like in love... I have seen such extremes... Don't know what it takes to be in love? Love in itself is too strong a word... For me to say I love a certain person would be too big a thing to declare... hate for the same reason is too strong an emotion... and sometimes you imagine a lot of these emotions... You believe you love him/her... but sometimes the whole gravity of the situation pulls you down and gives you a rude reality check... and sometimes love becomes as perfunctory as brushing your teeth... I know for some its a ritual brushing teeth that is... my sis spends a good half an hour giving her pearly whites a foam bath... If she had her way she would have had a jacuzzi fitted in... 
So coming back to the love thing... I have always been "the forever the good friend never the girl friend" types... And sometimes although it is gratifying it does get frustrating... I mean people come and bitch about their gf about how she wasn't there when he really needed her and all that crap... and shirk away from the girl who was always does kinda get to you... But then you realise if a person could not connect with you then he could never possibly have... you forge ever lasting relationships during the trying times... if you don't bond then you never will... Anyway probably all of this used to make a difference to me now it doesn't... The person on the other end should also be worth it all?? I am happy I wrenched him out of life... Its like removing a vestigial organ... (Chetan Bhagat inspired philosophy)... But life's come full circle... I stand at crossroads again... And hoping I will take the right decisions... I don't want any of the love crap... I was once upon a time a true blue romantic not anymore... Life's given me enough reasons to stir clear of it all...
soo before the starts of  feb month..before the starts of valentines week ..wishin all very happy committed couples young folks and troops..&
Wishing everybody a Very Happy Valentines!! :)
in advance kya pata "Kal hoo na hoo " :)

ps: looking forward to work hard for this semester.
pps:looking forward to Agnipath -movie  startin with superhero hritik ,indian KANE -sanju baba, jungli bili-priyanka..;)and ofcourse chikini chamali -KAT ;)
ppps: need to go get to studying real soon... And I seem to be waking up at the most unearthly hours of the night... and opening my vocab funda book only to open it and crash again... but i need to get down to studying before its too late...

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