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Wednesday 26 October 2011

last few weeks of my life.- and . diwali arrives..

It's been a while since I wrote something and actually found it worth posting, was suffering from what they call the writers block.
Well Life's been pretty normal...desdays.. I'm cutting down on my belligerent self.. or probably I've calmed down.

Sometimes I just find myself at odds with the promises I make for myself because try as i might I can't be the perfectionist I want to be. I find it really difficult accepting people for their flaws like i was the epitome of everything perfect. *sigh*  last 1week i have been practicing for "santosh memorial tournament" and these to be played  in our university itself ,finally i'm representing my cse branch although got selected in squad i have to  play really well to make my place count in team.. yaa its been little bit tiring past 1week but i love working out...with my team mates..

thanks to my skipper who is really supportive and desperate to win these time..hopefully my strong six sense says we vl win..surely thy way we are neats.

soo lets comes to point... its Diwali the festivals of lights finally arrived..well  i wake up  very early today morning , and it was  a beautiful morning, its  Diwali today but  Mom and Dad have left to didi 's place as she is alone in her house  :(... And I in no time will go back to the usual, regression and hey.. economic depression rides high in my life. Mom's started keeping tabs on the amount she lends me out or probably I've become an expensive kid. now a days.. 

So i'm thinking to goo for de movie of srk and kareena  last few week. the excitments begins about these movie beczz the way they promted and had done publicity its eye catchin..luks lyk a . Amazing movie,and gona have a  roking chill out experience in the evening..tonite .. a must watch. movie.. Finally I find kareena kapoor  cute and seems to have lost out a lil on her charm..luks...hmmmm...  Nothing much to report
.. over and out..
ps:" well mates.Life is kooky.. life is kinky... and kicks the shit outta you, I realised..accepts the challenge.and defeat the odd ,time to bounce back and become champions in this competitive world..cheers..."  :) 
Enjoy the festival of Diwali with lots of fun. and have safe.. and Light diyas in the true spirit of Diwali,guys.. rather than opting for electric illumination which will only use up electricity.. sooo have a safe and a eco- friendly Diwali to my friends...cheerrs.^_^.-:) -:)

Monday 10 October 2011

facebook Relationship *status * :).!!

thrown by soumya,
okies,..before writing about this so called relationship status, i need to give an  opinion of about  this person .."
“Not only are you proudly announcing that you are with somebody, but you are gambling that this one will last longer than a month or two. The evolution of the relationship is changing, and it's facebook's fault. Now, the path consists of 1) you go on a date, 2) you go on dates regularly, 3) you are only dating each other, 4) boyfriend/girlfriend, 5) Facebook official” - Ana Fernatt, Chicago Now opinion writer...
"Single? In a Relationship? Engaged/Married? These options just don't cut it...Forget 'It's Complicated'...we're fricking complicated! Relationships in general are 'complicated'! Need we post the obvious for all the world to see?” - from the Facebook Group 'Facebook Relationship Status Options are Insufficient'
well, if you've been reading my older posts you'd be knowing I'm finally trying my hand at some socialising. And thankfully unlike my first 'catch up' ( as in ketchup)*hehe*...:P
my second thankfully turned out to be better, yaa i finally discovered that I'd indeed been blessed with a tongue, and therefore finally i made use of it without making a fool of myself. I know good for me, after all those embarresing fiascos when i literally found my foot in my mouth (thankfully)... this was definetly a breather. So where was i?? Yaa...catching up... it was really nice to see that my friends had metamorphasized into pretty young things and even better to know that some of them could now put the relationship status on their Facebook profile as 'its complicated' ...i simply am in love with that option... and some even 'in a relationship'... so the conversations mostly centered around the 'existant', 'in the making' and the 'non existant' love lives of our batchmates... and then the usual exclamations followed "I don't believe it!! She out of all the people has a bf" "what?? she broke up..wasnt she dead serious about her bf" ... "her bf's cute..."..etc etc... and then "you know I have been seeing this guy for some time now..", "my crushes are the biggest dip shits...they are not worth it"..."my story's ending before it started..." ha ha :). what to say more .. sometimes lifes feels happy happy..full of harmony and some times full of thinking about this so call damn love..crush attraction oohoo...c'om... there are much more things to do in life than to just mess with this mess.. 

 Relationships are tricky things. So are relationship statuses. About 60% of Facebook users have some kind of relationship status declared. It seems that the online world has given rise to new types of relationship-defining ideas. Why is being Facebook official important to some people and not important to others?it's not me telling guys soo chill.. i read this statement and said by Ana fernatt  while surfing internet about this issue..
but really this facebook reationship status makes me..laugh when i see this it cheers me up.and my reaction is bit like this..."Aaree kal  he tho dekha tha uska status woh single tha  aur aaj committed wah kya baat hai" after some day i see "engaged "..after few weeks  complicated  then the most funniest part comes..again back to single.. he he  .:) anyways..moral is such little things in life makes us feel happy isn' seeing other's relatiosnhip status ..but have u ever asked if this things happens with u one of us then kaisa lagta?? arre  fir bhi new experince milta  na of changing status..:))
“My take on Facebook ‘Relationship Status’ is that I would never put a relationship on Facebook, unless I was pretty confident in it. My reason for this is, removing your status can be pretty dramatic and it’s drama that I don’t need to deal with.”

ps: just now saw a friend committed in his relationship this thought really strikes on me..cheers for him...:)

past few days i'm in ambivalence...

thrown in by-soumya
So well... life the past couple of weeks hasn't been much to write home..  . my life  is completely  messed up these days...last week was has been a bad & a very painful week  for me.. .my cousin bro. grandmaa more the  she is my grand maa we are belonging to a joint family. well she passes away on holy day of early morning of dusshera  ..i cryied for alomost 2days still in a shock but i relaise as its the greatest truth in everyone's life oneday we vl also say good bye to this i consolidated .myself such mishaps happens 

will..i'm not sad for these incident desdays..i guess for other reason not getting inner satisfication and not happy with my life .i feel my soul is unable to breath with this world not any more..may be i'm sad may be i'm missing someone but how still can't figure out? why i'm sad i dont' know.
perhaps i won't want to stay here any more..may be some natural place aah yaa nature may help  me  from  coming out what ..i'm healing desdays yaa i can Only leave my breathless Motion,The decision to Only Move On after that ,,.. Somewhere down the line.. being the 'nobody loser' has become the bottom line of my life... I mean, I fail to see the silver lines in the 'sundriness' of my luck... and my God-forsaken life... 

But then again I  have to bounce back, coz life leaves you with no other option but to trudge along even if it means that your sole wears out in the long run up to the coveted life that we all dream off... Such is life they say... where the dissatisfaction and the disgruntlement keeps you going and at times just takes a toll... marks they say are small things but are they not the statistics that dictate the terms of your life momentarily... probably i am a 'marks-starved' kid... and these things definitely do get me worked up... especially when I see myself being treated as a lesser mortal, all for no fault... Good sense is conspicuous by its absence... and depression way too ominous... 

Sometimes you do wish to become oblivious to certain things of your life, pull the blinds to certain aspects but you cling on to what hurts you the most... the sadist and the cynic laugh out loud... things go bad once and you start picking on old wounds again, forgetting that you'l still carry the scar... and everything bleeds and singes... I do at times forget all that holds me down in my life, and prepare to fly only to remember that I need the earth too... Probably right now I sound all mixed up and dont make sense... but that is how muddled up i am... A precarious case of nerves, who lives on the extremes and still looks for ambivalence... means coexistence of opposing my feeling..
ps: i knw ..Bahut zyaada philosophy ho gaya ! its bit philosophical down the line..will what to do suffering from depression ..i myself also don't know what to write..

what a wonderful world really..!

I am absolutely in love with this song... And especially When I am happy with life... and the way it seems to be working out... Learn t to find joy in the small things of life... ... With College reopening... Life is full of happiness and it all depends on you which part of it you want to look at... although... there are some sorrows some pain still exist in my life but i fill if we won't make life complex then life is much more easier what we's philosophical i know ;) :)
here this song lyrics..i love it :))

I see trees of green........ red roses too
I see em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue..... clouds of white
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.

The colors of a pretty the sky
Are also on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
Theyre really sayin......i love you.

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
Theyll learn much more.....than Ill never know
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world

The colors of a pretty the sky
Are there on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
Theyre really sayin...*spoken*(I

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow*spoken*
(you know their gonna learnA whole lot more than Ill never know)
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself .......what a wonderful world.
- Louis Armstrong
ps: feelin relaxed and bit tryied with this vacation now.. soo wants restart my life again..with this meaningful song..!