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Thursday 1 December 2011

some facts about my life...

so here's mine second part about mine..... A tag...
Thrown in by Som

well yeah I have been an absolute lazy ass in terms of doing tags... But don't I guess I wanted to a tag to probably rid myself of this huge writer's block I've been suffering from since long... So here's the tag that enchanting my frnds tagged me for... that is 25 things about me, myself and I... Hoping the soliloquy turns out to be an interesting read... the torture starts now... but have a cup of coffee sit back and relax..and read..!!:)

1.    I laugh too easily... and I mean way too easily... give me the most lamest of pjs.... jokes most devoid of humour and you'll still see a 100 watt dental display... But I guess that is because I like the good deed returned... but ofcourse I see my senility being returned with scowls and head bangs...
2.    I don't cry that easily... but i guess i get affected with every effing thing people have got to say about me... I am not the sorts to say I don't care what the people talk about me, because yes siree I very well do... And its a very prised company which has every seen a couple of tears trickle down... and the blow ups usually happen in private...
3.    At one point in time I was completely glued to the goggle box... to such an extent that I used to screw up my exams because of my addiction... watched the most incredulous of K-soaps...and then I moved on to the more cerebral ones... to the likes of Ally Mc Beal, Grey's anatomy... Dunno never developed a fondness for Friends ever... But now its been close to a month since I've watched a decent soap on tv... 
4.    I so absolutely love music... And I am to all genres... but more attuned to the slower ones... And I love my spicmacay concerts... Find them strangely romantic (ie the ones held in the gandhi park)... And I can do the best of maths questions or numericals with my ears plugged... And I hate people who cannot look beyond rock... and disrespect classical music of any form... And I love my radio and love lending my ear to even the western classical music that comes up on AIR... classical music has this strange capability of pacifying... and quelling all the raging turbulence inside...
5.    I hate double standards... i so abhor them... especially Indian hypocrisy gets to me... I don't want to elaborate because all you'll get is a never ending tirade... I guess I'll dedicate another post to it...
6.    I hate brand conscious people... I understand brands mean quality but branding people for the way they dress is despicable and the worst kind of disrespect to a human being... Who are you to question somebody's dressing sense... Its not you whose wearing them or are you...
7.    I love long walks... walking on winding roads with green brown foliage around... on rough dusty decrepit run down roads... exploring unknown alleys...
8.    make for a really good listener than a talker... If you can make me talk to my hearts content when I am physically present infront of you then you've achieved a herculean task... because my garrulity is at display with a only a few people... I've realised I express myself better when I write... it just comes easily to me...
9.    Among the few things that I so wish to have is real good poetry skills... till date I've written just a couple of poems and which are as hackneyed as they can get...
10.    I so wish to be half as knowledgeable as my dad or ma or my kid sis or you yogi bear for that matter... I am mind numbingly dumb and I so want to hide my face whenever you people test my ignorance..:( I so want to be intellectually sound... I am no where near the epiphany I have for myself...
11.    I don't want to continue with engineering anymore or rather with the fucked up system of my college where nothing works.. hardwork intelligence are so alein a term in our college.. or probably I've just not tried enough... whatever the case may be... I am just doing it because i chose to associate myself with it 3 years back...and being an Indian kid I cannot drop out of the system...
12.    I so want to pursue english at the masters level and it my calling but dunno how far will be able to make that dream of mine successful...
13.    Some years down the line I'd definitely would want to pen down a book which would really go down in history for all the right reasons that is... I don't mind a Pulitzer or an Orange Prize in return for it... that would be the ultimate zenith for me... I want nothing beyond it all...
14.    How can I forget i love chocolates in any form... any brand... nutty, plain anything will do.. but milky bar is a no-no... I love chocolate cakes.... And I can kill for chocolate truffle...
15.    I thank God for all the friends that I've been blessed with so far... because everybody's added that lil flavour in my life... I know I've erred.. but to forgive is stupidity... and you've reaffirmed my belief that birds of a feather flock together...;) you've irritated me but then again you are all that I have got...
16.    I am a big chicken at heart... but I've improved a lot... but I am long way to go...
17.    I am way too diplomatic a person... I cannot hurt a fly...
18.    I hold on to grudges like nobody else does... I might say I've forgiven you but it'll be long way off till the time I really do...
19.    I am really bad with stomaching secrets... Plz never trust me with your secrets or i guess i am extremely whimsical with them... I choose to share whichever secrets I want to share with you... and nothing beyond that...
20.    I love early  mornings... I just love the early morning din that welcomes me... the cool placid breeze, he chirping birds, the scampering squirrels, the slightly swaying trees... the kids all up and ready in crisp white uniforms... the fresh newspaper... absolutely everything does the trick for me...i wake up 4.30 am everyday..i love early morning seriouly.........!!!
21.    phew what else... I am a true blue romantic... I don't like grandiose in terms of romance and love but the subtler and sudden the gestures the more heart warming... probably something like a surprise note or remembering the most off hand of things that I've told you... it works for me...
22.    I think I am very good with assessing people... Atleast I can make out which are the ones I can get along with and the ones I cannot... but then again I guess everybody else can...
23.    I can never understand how looks can ever be a criteria when you are finding your soul mate... I mean can you take a good looking stupid slob for a bf who cannot even understand your underhanded jokes... or two times you... but then again love is blind
24.    I don't believe in love at first sight but definitely there are vibes you immediately get from a person which can make you bond...
25.    And last but not least I think I've made a big decision in a few days time, and I hope to make it work for me and for the individual in concern as well... No screw ups what so ever...
phew that was something... and it felt good writing all of it down... Anybody who wants to do the tag is more than welcome to do it... till then ciao...
ps: ... I loved doing the tag... was kinda therapeutic...thanks..:)

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