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Friday 30 September 2011

durga puja vacation starts...

Its two days into holidays and I am enjoying my offdays..offically my collage is not been closed but thanks to friends as they also moving towards there natives to spend atleast for a week with there families and friends..for DURGA PUJA vacation. But dusshera  has been an almost non affair for me, just the occasional drop in for the bhog and ogling, well what do you expect from this glutton and voyeur... just to enjoy with family and friends..but really I feel it’s the biggest and happiest festive occasion in our country..oho now Nothing more to .. over and out...about this occasion....

 ”arre haan ofcourse ek thanks tho banta hai for all my buddies for requesting my university to give holidays before the day was previously announced. “and I’m happy to say  thanks  aleast. Thankfully I am finally getting back to my book worm self, bought two books from my friend .”the other day” 'the unbearable lightness of being' by Milan Kundera and 'Amerika' by Kafka. Although the two books weren't really required to be bought because I already have a lot of books to read  but yup does that ever stop anybody from laying your hands on new books. Also I really need to start reading the edits of newspapers, this self inflicted deprivation has only added to my ignorance. dese days. And I have finally started to get hold of philosophy which was so beyond me at some point in time. I didn’t know I’m  really getting into more philosophical world  and stuff’s and I have to read my theory paper of these semester in this puja vacciation as I had promise to myself. Hmmm yaaa whatever  I have to read of it some of the theories definitely which appear ‘s really outrageous to me although.

And another of favourite pass times over these two days..was ”facebook and twitter most  exploring social networking site "six degrees of separation" ;) Been lazying around this week, been on facebook for almost 24X7, but am usually offline. Sifting through random pics, it’s such a bad idea.
just going from my friends profile to their friends profile and looking at those happy pics they put them, read their notes about me's, some of which do actually turn out to be very beautifully written. What else... Having nothing to do the entire day feels good. But I guess training will start in a week's time... and the late mornings will .talking about next session cricketing camp.. Had a wonderful breakfast today, Dosa, sambhar and a chutney made out of peanuts. life is good for now but dunno for how long. Yeah but  rite now desperately need a haircut, the limp boring long tresses ain't brightening me probably need a save too hmm.. The 'ephemeralness' of everything in life and life itself makes you want to stop time we don’t is full of unpredictable history and mystery for us.”.kya pata kab kya hoo jaye.” Wish and wonder’s  we could..enjoy life happily .okies now 2 lines about “YEH ZINDGAYI “ how we will live.actually  Listening to '”farah aktar” impressed with his writing skills.. and  acting skills too, although he is great director  we all know...he said  ..about zindgayi… and said beautifully and  I

Dillo  Mein Tum Aapni Betaabeyian
le kar chal rahe hoo tho ZINDA hoo TUM.
Nazar Mein Khabboo ka belizliyan
Le kar chal rahe hoot ho ZINDA Hoo TUM
Hawaa ke  jhukoo  ki jaisa Aazad rehna sikhoo
Tum ek darriyan ki jaise behanna sikhoo..
Har ek Lamhe se Tum miloo khole aapne bahayan
Har ek pal ek Naya sammaa Dikhe  Yeh Nighaa hain
Joo Aapne Aankhoo Mein harriyain
Le Kar chal rahe hoo Tho ZINDA hoo TUM.
 Dillo  Mein Tum Aapni Betaabeyian
le kar chal rahe hoo tho ZINDA hoo TUM.
Okies.Bahut zyaada philosophy ho gayi!!!! But Such a outstanding lines from #Javed Akhtar Sahab
"just cheers me..up.
 that ‘s all I can share..& there nothing to update now more..
Now signing up ..over and now..
Ps:Just warming up my writing skills :) I guess I may or mayn’t come to give a new post .till some thought some experience comes in to me till then..cyaa wishing

Monday 26 September 2011

love -may be u know the meaning of this..

firstly...before sayin about this so call love..i wana  say fall in the best feelin.."but don't expect more in love..more u expect more u vl cry hurt  urself..

After having seen my friends go through a lot of shit in their lives because of what us dim wits call love... And having gone through a similar phase myself, it only makes me laugh at myself and others at the sheer stupidity of putting yourself through this rut... this quicksand... which only saps away all your happiness... All when you so bloody know the persons so not worth it all... Be selfish for Christ's sake... Its just one life that you have... Don't make yourself go through all of this when you know the person does not even care two hoots about you... 

Probably you've had the best of memories and he/she makes your world go round but you know its high time these dizzying revolutions need to stop... Its your present that matters and your future... When you know the persons not ready to go that extra mile why force the individual... What is the use when you are not getting your due, all when you are giving yourself completely away... True love is only an illusion... The problem being we always see love and everything remotely related to it with rose tinted glasses... those little gestures start meaning so much... When most of it is complete hogwash.. Most of what you see is just the milk and roses side the real picture does get sordid by the end of it all... The edicts read, in love don't expect anything in return.. Do anything to see the other person happy... is so completley incredulous and incredible how these things came up in the first place... The truth being when you love you want the same in return... Love is not charity although it begins at home... Learn to love yourself... No use questioning yourself... as to why me? Why now? Why all of this? Whats happened? Where did I go wrong? It only adds to what you are already going through...  

Probably I on my part having gone through all of this, am trying and acting like this wise old soul whose gone selfish to the core but that is the only thing that'll keep you happy and is saving me so much of the trouble... I still don't have the answers to the questions but I do have the solution and that is to move on... I know its easier said than done... but crying and boohooing does not help your case... Stop waiting for those calls and messages... Stop blaming yourself for it... And please don't try to prove a point to that individual... it does not help... it only shows how you still obsess about him/her... And you know you truely move on, when the persons voice is like white noise, when you go oblivious to the persons presence even when he's standing right next to you... You don't feel the need to check on his/her profile or the pics... when you can skim through your list of contacts and not stop at his/her name and continue staring... That is when you move on... it takes ages to move on, but the more time you take the more you laugh at yourself when you recount all of this... Such is life they say... So be happy and make merry... For somethings are just not meant to be... and like they say "there are reasons why some people never make it to your future"... 
ps: dont what made me write this... I guess i feel very liberated right now... Don't know till how long will this feeling continue... its just a thought .. soo if anyone  hurts.then sorry.!!

my empty dream in my life..

She's gone,
I am left all alone,
her thoughts linger,
I hold on to them,
I hope against hope
of her return
the sea of sorrow swallows me
and I drown,
How I long her presence
how I miss her touch
the memories will kill me,
but I survive the assault
I see her with somebody else
is she prettier?
the question haunts me,
my wisdom fails me,
and my tears come flowing out,
does she notice my wet eyes
she does'nt show
she has moved on,
I bear no acrimony
for I loved her
like nobody else.
It was not to work out,
I make myself believe
I gather the broken pieces
they hurt me,
but the wounds will heal.
My life will go on,
but she's gone
and life will never be the same
(PS: this is my first foray into the unknown territory, for me that is, of poetry. So please leave your comments and brickbats on how you found the poem...)

Friday 23 September 2011

Its about women's -"why they cry "?

shabdon me kyaa hai, bhawanaon ko samjho"...., telling from first .. mate's:)
thrown by-soumya
GUYS it was  from my old post of my last βlog so I re modified it as u know  While I was surveying about this --"why women had more emotion and sentiment than Μεn" why they are more than or  higher respected superior "ωhy? ωhy? from childhood with this  question as  my school girls mates have lots of severity than boys and why mam always says  ladies first..  ?
As I’m a boy soo and i feel we usually aren’t as  less than women  , In  did my conscience say. No.!.how come they can be.?.as this question been hitting up me.from childhood . whom to ask.Will finally came to the point… as now I’m grew up..
Why Women Cry ? I usually see from childhood some girl some women when they are healing with or dealing with pain even my mama they come up with there soo call special inbuilt gift that called there  tear drop from her eyes which I see less in comparison to boy. but I do also I .. will I do watch all girl eye didn’t find any difference ,still  some of my friends says girl carry wild magic in there eyes..will I didn’t find any..although strange..:)
As I was sitting- in my room as it was a off-day .. as we know and experienced --"  thoughts comes when we are relaxed and no works to do". I was relax-in in my room and thinking about this topic ..will then MAMA came.. asking me to go market then suddenly I came with a question yaa may be I could ask a-bit to my mom…will she might be  had some answer…
Watch her eye I asked to my   mother,
... "Why u cry  you when you are in pain or any thing worries u?"
she said with a strange answer what I could expect…
"Because I'm a woman," she told me.
ME-..."I don't understand," what u  said.

my  Mom just hugged me and said,
"And you never understand as u are boy will."

Later soon in the after noon I asked my papa,
"Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"

"All women cry for no reason,"
was all my dad could say.
as my papa was busy with work gave a casual reply..:)
 well time spend and now I’m finally grew up… no more child now.
will  it was,
still wondering why women cry.
Soo as I grew up my way of approaching way of thinking
All changes..
usually I always talks to myself..i’m not a mad but its all I do in free time to share my views..with myself.
Finally I started talking with myself  and  to God. As he is my outsanding listeners over the past all years..

When I was talking to God , and I asked to myself and to,
"God, why do women cry so easily?"

God said:
"When I made the woman she had to be special.
I don’t know where this answer came. Seriously its like I’m may be day dreaming or in intoxication..:)
God said..
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world,
yet gentle enough to give comfort.

I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her

I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up,

and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without

I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances,
even when her child has hurt her very badly.

I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.

I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife,
but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him

And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is her?s exclusively to use whenever it is needed."

"You see my son," said God,
Then I found.. they are precious although I love mama by from that day onwards I loved her more as she cares me  not she is my mama..and a women.. and there is one more women who taught me whats the imp. of a women and the positivity,restiveness,hmm love her..anways miss her too..well ,Then I got what my mama said from child hood I got to my and said.. yaa you are saying I v'l not understand..will I do understand what u trying to tell me about women 
Every persun in  earth loves there parents and more to there mother love but when there mom cry’s its obvious any son/daughter can’t see there mama tears drops and ask questions why u had more of a emotions than papa ?and I said , mama pl don’t  cry ..when you are in worries and pain.. i'm here.i feels bad and hurts..
NOW I got seriously..
"the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,

the figure that she carries,
or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes,
because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."
Will one thing I learn and it’s like inherit I respect women will mates what ever may be fact as we men’s we had more power than women and the famous dialogue by a men   "hum MARD HAIN MARD KA BARABARI AUR AURAT  NA..mard mard hote hain..
But I fill men are superior in there postion and women are in there postion there is no comparison among the sex..
Finally my heart goes to those all women and on behav of all men θάτ we respect το all girls and you too respect..cheers.. boys..oki.. anyways 

I v'l  come next time with next thought of my life all weak all alone..deep heal from my inner emotions..
Now my soul  says bye..
P.s..correct the spelling and any mistakes or sentiments mismatch hurts..rectify it..mates..


Tuesday 20 September 2011

need a break -reprive.

thrown by-soumya 
its just a review of whole year journey now..and so far its been boring day  and night borin collage life..books..and assignments. damn.!
reprieve..well that is what I have been looking for quite sometime now... A break from the life that I am leading... Probably things ain't that bad, or but you know what they are till you see them on your face like some really disgusting face pack... Wish i could write a bit of poetry... but if wishes were horses, I'd be the stable owner... everything eludes me... marks, love, luck, poetry, good sense blah blah... the ability to talk utter shit alll the time, to sound witty, to sound profound... god damn everything... hmmmmm...
Just managed 4 hours of sleep last night... and now i have a splitting head ache... have n't studied the whole day... morning 6, i get up to study  Computer organsiation and its archeciture  and from it was a rainyday . 7:40, I'm plonking off on my bed...sleeping till 8:30 getting up only to do a pending assignment... and then I'm caught smiling to myself.... and by the afternoon swearing, at my vestigial, good-for-nothing tongue (I hope you get it laminar or turbulent) ohh man, I am TIRED.... Tired of my life, I am so looking forward to my surveying trip come december... I really want to fare well in this semester... but the way my nerves seem to be working God knows... ANd even dad seems to have noticed my constant crankiness and my disgruntlement with everything around me... PUzzle..bear with me... its all a passing phase and I hope to get out of it.... real soon... grab a good alot of poetry...have alot of time to myself... wallow in grief happiness whatever...endless introspections, retrospections.... meanderings, broodings... i look forward to it all.... life for now sucks like hell.... I screw it up like always, who lends me the screwdriver.... somebody keep it out off reach... plz...for now cya.. please god help me..  from onwards i'm going  focus on postivity of my life and try rectify my mistakes.. mid sem  too not gone well  damn padna bhi  hoga for endsem. for too...tension  anyways.. chalta hun .aab phir meilenge..hey . felt happy to see my senior getting  placements  next year its gona be my chance will that vl be end of student life ..:)
sorry.. some spelling mistakes.. rectify it ..cya..

so lost in life

thrown- by soumya. 
Something in our we are expectating what we don't know perhaps some dream we carry something inside which still with us that can be felt  only in between ourselves its just the so lost with in its my inner words..
Is it all a dream
What must I believe
Words are never ending
But meanings seem to disappear

A speck inside eternity
I stare into the blue
Don’t know where I’m going
Don’t know where I belong

Trying to fin
d a way to go

Can you hear the emptiness
The silence within
Can you even hear me
I’m calling out to you

Trying to find a way back home

-'So lost'

Monday 19 September 2011

if i had a super natural power..

If I Could Fly
I'd Show To You The Sky
I'd Take You To The Stars
We Could Make Out On Mars

If I could Breath Under The Sea
We Could Hang Out With The Dolphins And Join Them For Tea
I'd Find For You The Biggest Pearl
Happy In Knowing You Were My Girl

If I could Travel Through Time
I'd Go Back To When You Were Mine
I'd Stop Myself Messing Up And Treating You Bad
And Throwing Away The Best Thing I Ever Had... 

if had.. that power.. i would have made things possible which aren't here now..

miss u..!!

You left me not too long ago
And yet it seems like forever,
I reminisce the day you left all this time
Because I was right there beside you..

I can't seem to get over the feelings I had,
At that very moment I felt so alone,
It grew cold in the room
That I lost all feelings and sense..

All I had was pure silence and disbelief,
I saw people moving towards you all around me
And yet I couldn't move a step towards you,
I couldn't distinguish my emotions
Because I wasn't sure of them..

I felt soo much anger and sadness, but I couldn't cry
At that moment I wasn't sure what was wrong,
And now a year & a half later it all comes back to me
Every tear I held in falls, and now I can't seem to stop..

I've realized how much I missed you
And how much I've needed you here
But there is no way for me to reach out for your touch.
I feel so alone right now,
That I just wish you could take me with u.. 

miss u.. jenny..! u are alway.. in my heart..!

Saturday 17 September 2011

social networking its been a part of our life now adays.:)

No matter how downright numbing this may sound, but my flagging interest in orkut or facebook  gtalk.. and now.. google + got me thinking.. Well yaa I am supposed to be the "Vela King" *wink*wink* .. I can keep it going on the most trashy of topics... 

So here I am talking about my dulling interest in Orkut and facebook... They most certainly have lost their appeal, the applications look the same... Top Friends or Entourage Or circle of friends all sound the same and are the same... the questionnaires are incredulous and hideous "which Dill Mill gaye character are you" ohh brother give me a break... "Which disney character you are??"... (yaa yaa even i filled that up) and "are you left or right brained" God will knowing that make us an Einstein or Freud or Satre... and did they have Facebook to know which way their grey cells were sided... Sidey is more like it... And then the whole status updates thing... "my lifes fucked up" ... and "I am seeing stars" worth commenting on... why in the first place lament...(hmmm but i do)...  Does peace reign in in my apocalyptic life because you sympathised... And the whole list of happenings in your friends life that greets you the moment you log in, which I religiously go through (i am the female peeping tom, any problem)... Leaves me distraught, woah some people have the most happening of lives... in their ohh cutesy beaming photos with their bfs... holding the drinks up... with smug smiles, gelled and straightened hair... picture perfect figures... Photos of pyjama parties (who puts them up man)... and god knows what all... Definetly should be used for the India Shining campaign... we've come of age..(have we??).. the signs of recession seem to be conspicuos by their absense... ofcourse i did not hope to see my friends go around with bowls...

And well the very reason we have networking sites... that is to stay connected seems to be lost... On my part i log in to orkut and facebook more out of perfunctory reasons than genuine interest... For the friends who are genuinely 'connected' know whats happening in your life and the rest frankly should be saved the torture of "wassups??" "Hows life your end??"... and especially questions about their relationship status should be avoided to save alot of embarresment to both the interviewer and interviewee... I have faced that kinda smack across my face too... So an advice from the experienced... And to tell you the truth i think I can do without the facebook account, because all of my friends (that is who make a difference) happen to be on orkut... Facebook account at that time seemed to be the most in-thing to have... but yeah i've had my fun with it, searched every nook and cranny... tried my hand at all kinds of applications and supplications (when the net did not work)... And now am ready to move on (to what i still dont know)... right now my main agenda being look for good templates for my blogs.. but my technical numbness (i am an enggineer i know) seems to be getting the better of me...
so long.. while i look for good templates...
ps: naah wont do away with facebook... and sorry for the tittilating title :P

Friday 16 September 2011

finally midsem exam over today

today's post..My mid sems finally got over this friday.....and they went off prety well...ekdum makhan malai ke mafik...but what luck wen i went back home...i found my computer had gone facebuk.. no blogggin....dats serious bad luck...thank god my relatives turned up this weeekend...had fun listening to the i vl lsitenin  "aunty gossip sessions"....and in giving my uncalled 4 sugggestions for my cousins wedding...comin ..shit man cant even attend the wedding...all thanx to my end sems...and wid my cousin marryin a Mallu...n so its national integration in the offing...wid alredy strains of bengali genes runnin in our oriya blood...also karnad..nxt probably wil be gujju, punjabi... all said its gonna be fun...watchin the communication gap....."shabdon me kyaa hai, bhawanaon ko samjho"....:)

last year november time ..

  1. As i said earlier in my last post this all was in my last blog so i was just now mixing those with my present blog..soo read it last years..winter time..
  2. my cousin got married- the wedding took place in gujrat...n well NArendra Modi came n graced the occasion...dats bcoz my uncle's a top beaureacrat (hope i got the spellin right)...for me dats nothin to be proud of...according to me the beaureacracy is to be blamed for the hapless condition India is in now....n i simply dont support the very ethos on which the whole RSS thing is run...
  3. The results didnt come it was rumoured to be...
  4. Our end sem pracs commenced...already finished wid my comp sc prac which went off well
  5. Had my first ever fight wid my collg frnz...which got sort out within an hour or so...
  6. Chkd out my famous frnd Sanchal's BAnd Profile on plz chk wether the superfuzzmusic part has a 's' or 'z' in the word music....although Iam not into such head bangin stuff..but i must say i realy liked it...not sayin dis bcoz he's my frnd or anything...but dis guy has put in a lot of hardwork into makin dis band a success..dey evn won the Great Indian Rockshow...last to last year around...he's the lead vocalist of the band n just imagine we ppl used to actually call him Haklu bcoz of his stammering....his band even got featurd in the Brunch..the sunday supplementary magazine dat cumes wid the Hindustan Times...

finally back to bloggin..been a

this post was in my last created blog but unforunate its been mismatch now so created a new one..soo this..
It's been a while since I wrote something and actually found it worth posting, was suffering from what they call the writers block. Anyways incase you'd be wondering what I was upto all this while (as if you actually were), then I'd been to my native place Bhubaneswar  in Orissa and had a hell of a time, should'nt it be heaven ahh, anyways...was back there after almost three years or so and what a homecoming had it been- was gulping down six seven rasugullas in one go, not to leave aside the kind of fried food i.e. the samosas which we in oriya call the singhara, the pakodas, the luchis i.e. the puris that had become my staple diet. Thank God non of it actually took a toll on my tummy, all thanks to my wonderful digestive system (gross). But then again if I didn't have such a hardworking fellow as my digestive system, I would have certainly found myself on the bed with an upset tummy playing rummy (ahh see that rhymes), but non of that denies the fact of an increased paunch.
Cutting my digestive system out (suicide), the places i got to visit was Puri (my 1st ever visit), Bhubaneshwar, Chillika and Konark and other temples in and around my native town. Like I mentioned earlier this was my first ever trip to Puri and the Jagannath Temple, and what a temple it actually feel the divine presence of the Lord in the temple, even in the kind of stampede that was there. Anyways the whole trip was pleasant with no scar to mar the whole beauty of it (finally become a poet read-scar and mar), all thanks to the wonderful spell of rain that we were blessed with. How can I forget the best part, got to meet my lovely nani (how i miss her now back home).
Even though I felt bad about leaving my hometown and coming back home, it is here in Delhi where I belong, having been born and brought up here. Delhi's made me what I am and I've found the best of friends here and its here where the fond memories of childhood lie, whether its playing in the park just infront my house or getting wet in the rain, (one things for sure Delhi's rains have a flavour of their own) or whether its navigating through the water logged roads of Delhi, all of it is an experience in itself. Like they say
" Dilli ka laddu jise khaya woh pachtaya,
jisne nahi khaya woh bhi pachtaya".

restless life..

THIS post i had written a week later before mid sem..!! fidgety and restless soul got the better of me.....the new look the result....and aah changed the blog title as well....cause life in a way is a melee of sorts....where you have the highs and the lows...the thick and the thins...making you the person you are....while your friends and family anchor you through all these times....for once and for all...found the best set of friends I could have ever asked for....after the "Dhobi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghat ka" phase....finally found the right kindof people I can Actually connect them for what they are...the best thing about them is they never pass judgements about my decisions...and in that process help me realise my own faults....and ofcourse they never let me get all broody and me take life as it comes....and in many senses have put an end to my habit of dvelving into the nature of different people....and accepting them the way people are with all their grey and black shades intact....College has in many ways made me a whole lot wiser in terms of dealing with people and taught me there's no place for a simpleton in this world....i could actually write a whole book on the lessons learnt in college....will do that mid sem exams are on my head and i'd better start studying...thermo of all....made me insomniac once again....just hoping i do well....till then chao....

notes with no title..darkage..of this week..

 finally back to bloggin ...and basically I could'nt really think of a good title...Anyways many things have happened through this week that kinda got me thinking about the whole good looks debate...You know I have written off people depending on how theie looks are, but then again being the kindof ugly Betty that I am, i have absolutly no right doing so...I mean is it anybody's fault that they look a particular way or the kindof complexion they have ...and I dont really remember being given a choice when I was "up above the world so high", about how i wanted to look or the shade I wanted as my complexion, although a Penelope Cruz look would have made al the difference in my anyways getting on with the ethical debate, I'd like to ask "doesnt your nature and your intrinsic worth that is for stays in the long run..For Pete's sake people one gory accident in your life and you can see the whole course of your life changing making all your foolish pride break into pieces...I mean atleast try and see things from the other side as well... i don't think a lighter complexion or a higher cheek bone or a roman nose would make a trifle difference to the company you've been enjoying, okey at the first instant probably it does but after you start talking probably you become oblivious to all flaws. All of this probably is just euphemism on my part and my way of saying the grapes are sour..but what the heck it keeps my life going. By discriminating against people depending on their skin tone our we not in a way propounding strains of Apartheid? Fairness creams continue to be an instant sell out, while the western nations (whoes trends we so hopelessly try and emulate) go in for the tanned look. I sometimes look into the mirror and wonder, whether my being a lil more fairer or darker complexioned (if thers a word) would make so much of a difference to my life, I don't think so inspite of whatever shade my skin tone falls into, I will continue to have the best set of friends I could have ever asked for, the best parents, a whole and healthy body...What more on earth can I ask for??? Probably its easy on my part to say looks dont matter and everything but when you actually are involved in such a imbroglio, my stance would probably change and I'd probably see all such ideals shaking...but all in all the trick lies in accepting yourself the way you are, although at times it does become a horrendous task....In the end always remember
"you are always more than what meets the blinking eyes"

mid sem..

Finally finally done with my mid sems...those nights laced with somnia when you just had to wake till 3 in the night...are over for now...but alas not for long...and the shittiest part of the whole sleep depravation is even you till about a 3 in the night you'd still be scoring less than a 10 out of a 20....such are the drearies of life man...all those days of school life...when you consoled yourself that you just had 2 years of slogging left...boy of boy how wrong could i have life like everybody else's revolves around studies and marks, and all the rotation drives me dizzy and my centre of gravity disturbed, dont even go to into the dynamics of my radius of gyration...My 3rd sem results due any week...and naah i dont look forward to it...they sucked like a Black Hole man!!!!.Thermo sent the temperatures soaring, indeterminate structure continues to be indeterminate...IDC paper AND Theroy of compuation  have lost out on their potential, and the marks will certainly not shock me....sometimes I wish I'd continued with  at Stephens, atleast I'd have some form COA  left in mah life....and no pun intended....and seriously whats this Hoopla about their Princy man, Front page news..Thampu does not have a UGC approved PhD..huh as if we care...i mean its utterly despicable!! We definetly can do much better than this...The budget still does not continue to have a bearing on my economic status, pay commission or no commision where is my renumeration...anyways I'm trying to make the best out of the four days of holidays...catching up with all the sleep and a bit of reading...and slowly realising that I've become a jill of all trades but mistress of none, not even the spices..don't even want to be caught doing an Aishwarya!! my culinary skills is as delectable ( read:detestable) as it gets...I'm here and there but never really there...i'm hoping i'm making sense... anyways life continues to be banal...
ps: sorry for my obscure sense of humour...I know its an insult to the very art of tickling the funny bone...but old habits die hard as they for my friends I know familiarity does breed a lot of contempt and head banging too...

Tuesday 13 September 2011

You'r not alone..

Another day has gone
I’m still all alone
How could this be
You’re not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you’re far away
I am here to stay
But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we’re far apart
You’re always in my heart
But you are not alone
‘Lone, ‘lone
Why, ‘lone
Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you’re far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we’re far apart
You’re always in my heart
For you are not alone
Whisper three words and I’ll come runnin’
And girl you know that I’ll be there
I’ll be there
You are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you’re far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we’re far apart
You’re always in my heart
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you’re far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we’re far apart
You’re always in my heart
For you are not alone…
this one is dedicated to someone.. who is far apart from me.
but alway in my heart..!!