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Friday 16 September 2011

mid sem..

Finally finally done with my mid sems...those nights laced with somnia when you just had to wake till 3 in the night...are over for now...but alas not for long...and the shittiest part of the whole sleep depravation is even you till about a 3 in the night you'd still be scoring less than a 10 out of a 20....such are the drearies of life man...all those days of school life...when you consoled yourself that you just had 2 years of slogging left...boy of boy how wrong could i have life like everybody else's revolves around studies and marks, and all the rotation drives me dizzy and my centre of gravity disturbed, dont even go to into the dynamics of my radius of gyration...My 3rd sem results due any week...and naah i dont look forward to it...they sucked like a Black Hole man!!!!.Thermo sent the temperatures soaring, indeterminate structure continues to be indeterminate...IDC paper AND Theroy of compuation  have lost out on their potential, and the marks will certainly not shock me....sometimes I wish I'd continued with  at Stephens, atleast I'd have some form COA  left in mah life....and no pun intended....and seriously whats this Hoopla about their Princy man, Front page news..Thampu does not have a UGC approved PhD..huh as if we care...i mean its utterly despicable!! We definetly can do much better than this...The budget still does not continue to have a bearing on my economic status, pay commission or no commision where is my renumeration...anyways I'm trying to make the best out of the four days of holidays...catching up with all the sleep and a bit of reading...and slowly realising that I've become a jill of all trades but mistress of none, not even the spices..don't even want to be caught doing an Aishwarya!! my culinary skills is as delectable ( read:detestable) as it gets...I'm here and there but never really there...i'm hoping i'm making sense... anyways life continues to be banal...
ps: sorry for my obscure sense of humour...I know its an insult to the very art of tickling the funny bone...but old habits die hard as they for my friends I know familiarity does breed a lot of contempt and head banging too...

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