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Saturday 17 September 2011

social networking its been a part of our life now adays.:)

No matter how downright numbing this may sound, but my flagging interest in orkut or facebook  gtalk.. and now.. google + got me thinking.. Well yaa I am supposed to be the "Vela King" *wink*wink* .. I can keep it going on the most trashy of topics... 

So here I am talking about my dulling interest in Orkut and facebook... They most certainly have lost their appeal, the applications look the same... Top Friends or Entourage Or circle of friends all sound the same and are the same... the questionnaires are incredulous and hideous "which Dill Mill gaye character are you" ohh brother give me a break... "Which disney character you are??"... (yaa yaa even i filled that up) and "are you left or right brained" God will knowing that make us an Einstein or Freud or Satre... and did they have Facebook to know which way their grey cells were sided... Sidey is more like it... And then the whole status updates thing... "my lifes fucked up" ... and "I am seeing stars" worth commenting on... why in the first place lament...(hmmm but i do)...  Does peace reign in in my apocalyptic life because you sympathised... And the whole list of happenings in your friends life that greets you the moment you log in, which I religiously go through (i am the female peeping tom, any problem)... Leaves me distraught, woah some people have the most happening of lives... in their ohh cutesy beaming photos with their bfs... holding the drinks up... with smug smiles, gelled and straightened hair... picture perfect figures... Photos of pyjama parties (who puts them up man)... and god knows what all... Definetly should be used for the India Shining campaign... we've come of age..(have we??).. the signs of recession seem to be conspicuos by their absense... ofcourse i did not hope to see my friends go around with bowls...

And well the very reason we have networking sites... that is to stay connected seems to be lost... On my part i log in to orkut and facebook more out of perfunctory reasons than genuine interest... For the friends who are genuinely 'connected' know whats happening in your life and the rest frankly should be saved the torture of "wassups??" "Hows life your end??"... and especially questions about their relationship status should be avoided to save alot of embarresment to both the interviewer and interviewee... I have faced that kinda smack across my face too... So an advice from the experienced... And to tell you the truth i think I can do without the facebook account, because all of my friends (that is who make a difference) happen to be on orkut... Facebook account at that time seemed to be the most in-thing to have... but yeah i've had my fun with it, searched every nook and cranny... tried my hand at all kinds of applications and supplications (when the net did not work)... And now am ready to move on (to what i still dont know)... right now my main agenda being look for good templates for my blogs.. but my technical numbness (i am an enggineer i know) seems to be getting the better of me...
so long.. while i look for good templates...
ps: naah wont do away with facebook... and sorry for the tittilating title :P

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