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Monday 26 September 2011

love -may be u know the meaning of this..

firstly...before sayin about this so call love..i wana  say fall in the best feelin.."but don't expect more in love..more u expect more u vl cry hurt  urself..

After having seen my friends go through a lot of shit in their lives because of what us dim wits call love... And having gone through a similar phase myself, it only makes me laugh at myself and others at the sheer stupidity of putting yourself through this rut... this quicksand... which only saps away all your happiness... All when you so bloody know the persons so not worth it all... Be selfish for Christ's sake... Its just one life that you have... Don't make yourself go through all of this when you know the person does not even care two hoots about you... 

Probably you've had the best of memories and he/she makes your world go round but you know its high time these dizzying revolutions need to stop... Its your present that matters and your future... When you know the persons not ready to go that extra mile why force the individual... What is the use when you are not getting your due, all when you are giving yourself completely away... True love is only an illusion... The problem being we always see love and everything remotely related to it with rose tinted glasses... those little gestures start meaning so much... When most of it is complete hogwash.. Most of what you see is just the milk and roses side the real picture does get sordid by the end of it all... The edicts read, in love don't expect anything in return.. Do anything to see the other person happy... is so completley incredulous and incredible how these things came up in the first place... The truth being when you love you want the same in return... Love is not charity although it begins at home... Learn to love yourself... No use questioning yourself... as to why me? Why now? Why all of this? Whats happened? Where did I go wrong? It only adds to what you are already going through...  

Probably I on my part having gone through all of this, am trying and acting like this wise old soul whose gone selfish to the core but that is the only thing that'll keep you happy and is saving me so much of the trouble... I still don't have the answers to the questions but I do have the solution and that is to move on... I know its easier said than done... but crying and boohooing does not help your case... Stop waiting for those calls and messages... Stop blaming yourself for it... And please don't try to prove a point to that individual... it does not help... it only shows how you still obsess about him/her... And you know you truely move on, when the persons voice is like white noise, when you go oblivious to the persons presence even when he's standing right next to you... You don't feel the need to check on his/her profile or the pics... when you can skim through your list of contacts and not stop at his/her name and continue staring... That is when you move on... it takes ages to move on, but the more time you take the more you laugh at yourself when you recount all of this... Such is life they say... So be happy and make merry... For somethings are just not meant to be... and like they say "there are reasons why some people never make it to your future"... 
ps: dont what made me write this... I guess i feel very liberated right now... Don't know till how long will this feeling continue... its just a thought .. soo if anyone  hurts.then sorry.!!

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