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Friday 16 September 2011

restless life..

THIS post i had written a week later before mid sem..!! fidgety and restless soul got the better of me.....the new look the result....and aah changed the blog title as well....cause life in a way is a melee of sorts....where you have the highs and the lows...the thick and the thins...making you the person you are....while your friends and family anchor you through all these times....for once and for all...found the best set of friends I could have ever asked for....after the "Dhobi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghat ka" phase....finally found the right kindof people I can Actually connect them for what they are...the best thing about them is they never pass judgements about my decisions...and in that process help me realise my own faults....and ofcourse they never let me get all broody and me take life as it comes....and in many senses have put an end to my habit of dvelving into the nature of different people....and accepting them the way people are with all their grey and black shades intact....College has in many ways made me a whole lot wiser in terms of dealing with people and taught me there's no place for a simpleton in this world....i could actually write a whole book on the lessons learnt in college....will do that mid sem exams are on my head and i'd better start studying...thermo of all....made me insomniac once again....just hoping i do well....till then chao....

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